What letter does economics begin with?
yep, my first grade of the year (thats a grade from my assignment if you hadn't realise), pretty good start though, at least i know i definitely won't be deproving for my next assignment.
econs is like a multi-disciplinary subject. firstly, it really puts your communication skills to the test. we have to spend the half the lesson trying to explain a simple qn to the tutor, which after a while, even the ppl not listening understands the qn, but somehow the tutor just blabbers on and on about an answer for some other qn. so judging from the results, we've clearly failed in communication.
we also get to learn more about egypt where econs had its origins, and i've got proof for it

why else will the tutor be scribbling hieroglyphics on our answer script??
which is why the tutor can hardly understand what we are saying in our answers

how can she give us good for a point she just marked us down for??
also probably why we can't understand her either

on top of these, we get to learn efficient note-taking which allows us to save about negative 5mins from asking her what the shortforms actually stand for

people always say that econs is common sense and i truly agree with it after taking 1 month of econs. firstly, you mustn't blame the lecturer if you can't hear what she's saying, cause as the lecturer said "thats the loudest the mic can go" and the lecturer can't talk any louder than a whisper.
another incident involved a few students sitting right at the back of the LT and said they can't see whats on the screen, and the econs lecturer smartly corrected them by standing about 2m from the screen and saying "are you sure? but it looks so clear to me"
yet another incident happened just today when another few students sitting right at the back (students just don't learn do they?) exclaimed they can't see the words on the screen. so she started using the auto-focus function which didn't help very much as the words are still damn small, and some senseless idiots probably suggested to her to zoom in instead, and once again, she corrected them by saying "zooming won't help, it only enlarges the words". like obviously small words are easier to read, duuuhh.
the econs tutor is also very friendly and really encourages us to ask questions about things we don't understand in class. once a certain boy in class was unsure of what the shortforms on the board was, so he asked the tutor, and after she said what it stands for, she even encouragingly said "its ok to ask questions about what you don't know *PAUSE* but if you were listening you should already know what it stands for". now now, don't you already feel like asking more questions now?
well, i guess everything else about econs is just mind-boggling and includes thinking in circles and confusing yourself. as well as spend 3 hrs in front of the library, trying to complete a simple worksheet by working on a mac laptop with microsoft word that keeps hanging whenever you accidentally drag a picture onto the taskbar. but i shan't complain, i love my econs grp, at least we're enthu and hardworking enough to actually do the qns seriously.
Disclaimer: Characters in this post are purely fictional, any resemblance to anyone dead or living is purely coincidental so don't sue me for this
Dis-Disclaimer: Disclaimer may be a lie
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