today odac had crc (challenge rope course) over at MOE May Adventure Centre. at first it sounded like some impressive facility with lots of rock walls, vertical challenges and the like. ended up, its just some old abandoned primary school with a huge field where they erected the crc structure somewhere in bendemeer.when i reached boon keng mrt, the place didn't exist on the map that mrts stations have that shows a radius around them cause it was too far away. so i went over to the passenger service only to find out that the guy couldn't find the place in the street directory. luckily i rmbed the rough direction i had to go and met chihung on my way there.
as rundown as the school is, the crc was actually quite nice. can't rmb the names of the all the stations there, but i shall talk about a few. first one i did was the vertical challenge, which was pretty much like the double dangle duo for those who know it, but much easier cause the course is more varied with extra planks sticking out vertically and handholds/footholds on them. did that with chihung, quite manly, i think we did the fastest in our group ^^.
next one we did was abseiling, quite fun also, wasn't as scary as i thought it'll be. must be one of the easiest stations yet.
had some crashers there, who happened to be RJ sailers. you may wonder why they are there, but isn't is obvious they are there to do absailing?
after a short break we went to do the rest of the stations. theres this station where you had to walk the plank. its pretty much suicide, theres this plank which is detachable (easily) from the platform then you got to stand on it and swing it to the other side and attach it to the other platform, and climb across. first time i tried, i got the plank attached to the other end a few times, but it kept coming out. cause it was very tiring, i started to rest a while, only to realise that i've been gradually slipping lower and lower, and can no longer reach the rope to grab on -_- so had to come down. but tried again later, and succeeded ^^ sorry to any guy who didn't get to do cause i did twice >_<.
then mr shah gave us a lecture on our language, and we should not be gender-biased. firstly the use of the word "manly" to describe manly things. he says that not only man can do things like climbing, girls also can, so we should use words like fantastic or tremendous instead.
the next word is using "guys" to call everyone. but since odac girls are so m- fantastic, i see no difference in using guys to call everyone =P
oh well, feeling quite depressed today, but don't feel like talking about it. so i'll end off here =)
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