Friday, 10 November 2006

Health tips

on another note, when i saw the "fu4 ze2 ren4" in the tagboard, i thought newbie did something *cough cough*.

ok nvm, moving on, since the real hols are finally here, here's some health tips from me to keep yourself alive until school starts next year. (even though probably none of you will take heed, just take it as some interesting facts).

1st. to all you people who will be spending the whole day sitting in front of your computer dunno doing what, here are some things you can do to reduce your brains from being radiated into a crisp. 1) eat bananas, don't ask me how this helps but it supposedly does. 2) wash your face to get rid of all the radiated particles. (sounds like got some nuclear fallout or something -_-)

2nd. your computer monitor produces the most radiation in the back, followed by the sides. so contrary to what it may seem, sitting in front of the computer is the safest, only drawback is that you might get your eyes fried.

3rd. sleep early. there are many benefits to sleeping early. did you know that your body produces melatonin when you sleep at night, yes only at night? it makes you feel better and improves your immune system so you can enjoy your holidays! yes so sleep early. did you also know that your liver only works when you sleep? so make sure you get enough sleep or risk getting liver failure =(

ya, so all the best and hope you survive the hols. pls do or we'll have less visitors to our blog, thanks.

on a side note, there have been quite a lot of changes to our Penal code, which i'm sure will very much interest negima =)


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