Blogging again
ok, i've been trying to blog my post for the past 2, maybe 3 hours and i'm still on my first sentence! heh, actually its mainly cause i dunno wat to blog abt, and perhaps i'm scared - scared of that i'm too boring and maybe of revealing too much :Pbut coincidentally, i was listening to Britney's Me Against the Music.. lol, this sounds damn cheesy but yea, i was inspired by the line "to hell with stares" and... haha, ok, its really too cheesy for me to continue abt it, so basically i'll just anyhow and just blog lorh.. hopefully, just hopefully i'll have interesting things to say. (er, dun worry, i know this is not interesting, its more of a personal note so heh, dun da fan me yet)
so let's see, so far everyone's been toking bout the O's, or more specifically HCL. I got a B4, not that bad, but not too good either, so i'll just rant about it... It's so sad actually, not sure if chin mentioned this in his earlier post, but nation wide there were 40% distinctions (A1, A2) but there were only 30% for our batch on top of that we had E8s and F9s for the first time ever and 10% failed... which places us 2nd from the back in the last 10 years with an MSG of 3.02 or smth. and er, how bad is bad? CGS had 90% distinctions or smth so yar.. we screwed up real bad... feel like i dui bu qi the sch or smth. as much as i dun love the sch, i'm actually quite attatched to it.
But then again, is it our fault? lol, ok, i love to play the "faulting" game. its not a good thing, but its fun and for this post, i'm just blogging for the sake of blogging, (in other words) i'm purely toking kok. So take this with a pinch of salt:
Firstly, where did we go wrong? From the economic point of view, perhaps our natural endowments, eg. our talent in HCL or HMT in general wasn't that high, so its no one's fault and that's totally rubbish and ah... this is utter crap, ok, i'm contradicting myself, so, the bottom line is that we could have worked harder, (though i already put in abt 99.9(infinite 9s)% effort) and that the sch shouldn't have took us out of the o'lvl system in sec 3. lol, perhaps its for our own good, to let us learn more, but well, with the o'lvls still there, maybe, just perhaps we should not be too experimental? oh well, just a little thought of mine, hope its not too bad or anything, if u're not happy, drop a tag and i'll remove it.
ok, i really am not in the mood to blog, so apologies for this really crappy and foul attitude soudning post. but trust me, i'm a nice guy XD... perhaps after tmr's land yacht thing i'll have smth better to blog abt...heh...
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