Tuesday, 11 April 2006

Random stuffs

Ok now we know why alliednations is alienating us...
First of all, he has the only mahjong tile where the number is in fan2 ti3
Second, well first i have to take back that alliednations is going out with him...
Cause he is obviously not...... Cause he is just zhong4 se4 qing1 you3

Anyway i have never said anything without proof d lor.. and I shall prove this too

If you have not ponned morning assembly today u will probably know that there is such a thing called council campaigning held today. And for people who had only not ponned morning assembly today, council campaigning means listening to boring skits and speeches made by councilors-to-be (yar and they actually expect u to vote for them after listening to their boring speeches)

HOWEVER, today's council campainging damn exceptional. As usual, we would gather into our brotherhood and start counting how many brudders are already with us (if u can count up to roughly 12 u can count all our brothers, so quite easy task for chin nam lol jk).
Then something horrifying happened, Mr Mysterious and Alliednations are missing! OMG!
As usual we will just forget about where is Mr Mysterious as he is just plain mysterious full-stop. So what happened to alliednations? Being so out-of-proportion with legs 1.5 times as long as his body sure can find him d right?

Then, he walked in 5 mins later.......... with a gal................ and......
they went to sit together on an empty row of seats!

After the end of the campainging i can only think of 1 word to describe RJCians: considerate
Well u see, noone dared to sit beside them for fear of being a lightbulb, thanks guys another of the brotherhood has a chance of finding his partner in life.(the others being liu4 wan4 and qi4 wan4) (maybe more i dunno)

Anyway, I'll skip all the boring campaigns and go to the exciting part, near the end of the campainging all the councilors-to-be must go up again and introduce themselves. When someone called Nicole introduced herself again, yi4 wan4 went to shout "Nicole"... from the back of the LT. So basically everyone can hear lor, then he so champ act innocent, 5 seconds later turn back to us poor people and say "Who shouted that?"

Well the day went peacefully until after Physics Lecture. My whole class full of lazy people so we took the lift from 2nd floor to 1st floor -_-"
Then in the lift i met Wing Chung and some other people that we dunno, we thought they also damn lazy to walk down 1 floor. So we squeezed in and wait.. and wait... and wait...
HEY? Im sure the lift takes so long to go to 1st floor?? ok then i discovered the most interesting fact on Earth.. the lift is going up.. and it already reached 4th floor.. took us 2 floors to realise that..

While Wing Chung were laughing at our stupidity, we reached the 5th floor and i realised another interesting fact.. Some idiot (or so i thought) went to press the 6th floor also. So being the champ guy i am, i went to cancel it b4 the door closes.

So i was quite happy as i saved my classmates from wasting another 30 seconds in the lift, then i turned around... and i saw Wing Chung.

Me: Ai? I thought u went out at the 5th floor?
Wing Chung: No.
Me: Ohh u going canteen ar?
Wing Chung: No. I going 6th floor.


And so, the lift went down towards the 1st floor and i kindly helped Wing Chung press the 6th floor button again. Tsk Tsk I bet the 1st floor people must be thinking that Wing Chung is a 1M lift koper. Haha, it was an honest mistake~ sorry ar =)


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