Tuesday, 27 June 2006


well, econs was over yesterday and today was ehem, seems like e doesn't only stand for econs, it also stands for ehemistry. sigh, oh well, just have to pray real hard. tmr's physics paper so i should really be mugging right now, so just taking a rest.

i hope you are not reading this before friday cause that means you're not mugging. but thanks if you are, i'll be really touched to know that ppl actually check this blog amidst all the mugging you should be doing.

this part of the post is dedicated to mel cause she wants to niao me about it. =)

Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italise the statements that you want to be true.
Leave the Fibs alone. (whats fibs? fibonacci?)

I miss somebody right now.
I dont watch TV these days.
I wear glasses or contact lenses.
I love to play video games.
I've tried marijuana.
I have been in a threesome. (so what? we have a ninesome here)
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy. (unless you want to tell me i suck)
I curse sometimes. (I curse all the time)
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. (stability seems to have fallen with age)
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me. (yizhang and jon carries one!)
I'm TOTALLY smart. (currently its only my ass)
I've broken someone's bones. (relax, only stuff on my plate)
I'm paranoid sometimes.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. (first i'll borrow lots of money from you...)
I need money right now. (so pls donate)
I love sushi. (ok la, nice but not top on my list)
I talk really fast. (i always need to stop to untie my tongue)
I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling. (1 elder brother and 1 younger sister)
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. (i think i wore a wig once, quite comical)
I couldn't survive without Caller I.D. (could survive without handphone though, weird)
I am usually pessimistic. (most ppl would say i'm more pest-imistic though)
I have a lot of mood swings.
I have a hidden talent. (so far all of mine have remained hidden though)
I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar i have.
I am currently single. (was double during jex though)
I have pecked someone of the same sex.
I enjoy talking on the phone.
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. (i live in my house)
I love to shop. (i'll love it if i have money to spare)
I would rather shop then eat. (doesn't matter if i shop or eat first)
I don't hate anyone.
I'm a pretty good dancer. (break dance looks cool)
I'm embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone. (appeared in the headlines here when i got it too)
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I've rejected someone before. (i rejected chin when he ask me to go kbox)
I have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
I want to have children in the future. (who doesn't?)
I have changed a diaper before.
I've called the cops on a friend before. (does ann liang count?)
I'm not allergic to anything. (yet)
I have a lot to learn.
I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger. (everywhere i go too)
I am shy around the opposite sex. (i'm just shy around strangers)
I have tried alcohol before. (alcohol wipes, very painful on your wounds. ok think i tried beer once, really long ago, sucks though)
I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
I own the "South Park" movie.
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza. (i guess it can be ranked top 2 in singapore)
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all. (some of his songs are nice though)
Halloween is awesome because you get free candy. (who cares about halloween? i only want the candy)
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and i like it. (possibly the only thing dumber than me)
I am happy at this moment! (with physics CT tmr, who can be? and pls bold this in your mind if you are reading this 2 days from now)
I'm obsessed with guys.
I study for tests most of the time. (i confess!)
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
I am comfortable with who I am right now.
I have more than just my ears pierced. (i have my ears not pierced)
I walk barefoot wherever i can.
I have jumped off a bridge.
I love sea turtles. (oh wait, is tama-chan considered a sea turtle or an air turtle)
I spend ridiculous money on makeup. (i ridiculously spend madeup money cause i have none)
I plan on achieving a goal/dream.
I worked at McDonald's restaurant. (0riental only)
I hate office jobs. (after 0riental, not anymore)
I love sci-fi movies. (not really sci-fi in particular, but any good ones)
I think water rules. (really depends on the time and place)
I like sausages. (ok la, not top on my want-to-eat list)
I love kisses. (nice, sweet, smooth, fat hersheys are the best)
I fall for the worst people. (if ppl who trip you aren't the worst, who are?)
I like bright colours. (really depends on the situation though)
I can't live without black eyeliner. (they are called eyelashes, well they are black and lines your eye...)
I usually like covers better than originals. (originals are usually better)
I can pick things with my toes. (not my nose though)
I can whistle.
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake's slither.
I have ridden/owned a horse. (sounds exciting)
I still have every journal I've ever written in.
I can't stick to a diet. (does a diet list that only has the word "everything" count?)
I talk in my sleep.
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. (i think simply drowning might be more effective)
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time. (rockclimbing definitely is though)
I have jazz in my blood. (most ppl probably have hemoglobin and the like in their blood)
I wear a toe ring.
I have a tattoo. (weep has one though!)
I can't stand at LEAST one person that i work with.
I am a caffeine junkie.
I cosplay or know what cosplaying is. (and no i don't cosplay)
I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsesical the better.
I'm an artist.
I only clean my room when necessary. (i don't clean if even when its necessary)
I like a person of the same sex. (i like my dad and my brother, and most importantly, myself!)
I love being happy.
I am an adrenaline junkie. (i'll get lots of it for the next 2 days)
I don't know why the hell i just did this stupid thing. (i know! cause i don't feel like mugging phy =[ )

and that concludes the dedication. judging from whatever i have written, i'm sure many of you are probably starring blankly at the screen and totally destroyed by the utter lameness hidden subtle in there. but hey, look on the bright side, you should be glad that thanks to ppl like us, theres no need to install aircons in rjc! (btw, i heard that rjc is going to become totally airconned soon, which sucks =[ )

anyway hope you can go mug in peace now (if CTs aren't over for you), and hope you do well in all your CTs! time for me to go and mug too, good bye and good luck!


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