Return of the non-memories
Besides memories whats gone never returns so don't dwell on making eugene blog here once again, i have proven him wrong since he was gone and has returned
and if you happen to listen to oldies
我的青春 小鸟一样不回来
just look at the first 2 statements, maybe you should change it to
Besides sun, flowers, eugenes, memories, bad days, bad weather, homework, the empire, jedi, the king, the mummy, whats gone never returns so don't dwell on them.
and eugene, THAT is not considered blogging. if it is, we should rename ourselfs tksspm-brudders/sisters/uncles/aunties/mums/dads/whoevers cause we have about 50 bloggers here who blog regularly on the panel to the right. so BLOG! (maybe 50 is exaggerated, i'm sure we have more visitors than that =P)
tip: if you can't think of anything recent or happening to blog about, just look around the house and think of some random, remote object/person/you/thing sitting around/inside/outside your house and blog about it! it doesn't matter if the entry is short and lame like me, but all that matters is that you are blogging! since its pre-CT, you might even want post something on whatever you have just mugged! i think i'll probably blog about toilet bowls sometime soon when i run out of things to blog about.
and to all father's out there, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! pls help me pass this message to your father if you havent already done so since this morning or since you left primary school.
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