why so few blog posts one.... all the brudders must blog. BLOGanyway back to the main topic. RJ ppl seems to be all very fit. last year i ran 12min++ for napfa 2.4 and i was like nearly top half of the class. then this year, i ran like bomb to get 11:30 and i was 48th. so discouraging.
i think its probably cause of the intensive training ppl in RJ do. everyday you see ppl running everywhere. running on the track, around the school, running for council, running for exco. its no wonder everyone so fit
mustn't lose to them. so another bomb training with wee pin and gerard today. we ran 2.0 (1dp) rounds around the schoolS, estimated distance 5km, a (2.0-1.5)/1.5 * 100 = 33.3%(3sf) improvement from last time's 1.5 (1dp) rounds. oh sorry, still in chem spa mode.
then after that we did the usual sets, though not the usual amount. unsurprisingly, wee pin the manly decided to increase the numbers again!
(40 pushups + 40 crunches + 40 dips + 40 leg raises) * 3. (yes we know, very ez for zeyan)
finally finished at 6pm. then we went with gg and james for bubble tea. the honeydew sago from the auntie stall seriously rocks, dunno why everyone flood to the other stall. good taste james! but when we ordered our honeydew sagos, we realised that even the auntie knows economics.
due to the fact that bubble tea makes up a small proportion of the rich and spoilt ri/rj kids pocket money, price is extremely price inelastic (although due to poor ppl like me, its not completely inelastic).
so raising the price will cause quantity demanded to fall less than the increase in price. therefore a total increase in revenue can be obtained! for those who's still wondering whats going on, she raised the honeydew sago by 10c :'(.
this evening run too much liao, so now ran out of things to talk about. until next time then...
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