today was supposed to be a great day. normally ends at 12:30, but today PW had nothing much to do, so was let off 45mins earlier!!! (woots) so hungrily and happily, we went into the lift and me and wee pin was quite happy since we'll be able to hand up our A*star form on time since it wasn't 12 yet.
then about 2 secs from us reaching 1M, Zi'idiot (at this point i suppose many will be able to guess who that is), went to force slightly open the lift door. didn't really affect the lift much, but it most certainly affected its operation. the lift stopped with a sudden jerk and a small word which read "maintenance" appeared on the display panel. woots.
Zi started laughing non-stop like it was something damn funny, and started reassuring us that its nothing much and last time he got stuck for only about 20secs. after a min passed, he started saying that he was stuck for 5 mins last time. after another min passed, he started saying how yz was stuck in there for 30mins last time. woots, oh great, stuck in the lift with an asshole.
then i realised something, THE A*STAR FORM!!!! looking at the time, it was about 11:59. luckily ronald managed to get a call from cunzhi, who went off to look for mr tay to save us. if not i probably won't be here blogging about it, unless chris's phone can connect to the net from inside the lift.
and Zi seemed to really enjoy it and i really doubt his definition of fun. getting stuck in the lift with 10 other ppl, fighting for space and fresh air while being worried about the deadline for handing up a form worth $2k isn't really what i consider "fun".
but the form isn't really the primary concern then. there was 11 ppl and it was bloody hot in the lift, just like a sauna, moreover it was extremely stuffy. although i noticed that the max capacity of the lift is 20 ppl. if there really was 20 ppl there, i think we'll only be able to vibrate about a fixed position. so if i was ever reborn as a molecule, i wish to be an air molecule that exists in some high mountains somewhere.
after an excruciating 30mins (thanks zi, no more early lunch), mr leong (DHM) and the repairman came along to free us from the lift (3 threes for them, cunzhi and mr tay!). then had to rush off to certify the form and wee pin made it just in time to hand up his form as we met mrs tan woon ching collecting the forms just as we got to the staff room (what luck).
according to sara and germaine, they heard the alarm of the lift go off (us pressing it duh), but they were not sure, so they didn't report it to the general office and went for lunch instead -_-. really grateful for cunzhi we would REALLY still be there.
this can be a good way of skipping lessons though, just go jam the lift and tell the teacher you were late cause you were stuck in the lift. that is if you don't mind the hot air, the stuffy and cram place. although the teacher will probably get suspicious of why the lift always jams when you're in it.
lesson learnt: N-E-V-E-R E-V-E-R take a lift with Zi again.
Learning Japanese
Lol... see that new JOL clock under the tag board? Cool rite, lol. Got it from the Japanese-online webbie where i'm learning japanese from. Please don't remove it, lol...
As some of you may already know, I'm learning Japanese by myself and I do mean it. This time I'm so serious in it that i even borrowed japanese text book (the one for 3rd lang) to read, lol...
Anyway, the reason why i wanted to learn jap so badly is because of a game that i'm DYING to play and understand. And no this game is NOT H, it is a PEFECTLy normal RPG game called
"英雄伝說-空之軌跡" aka Legend of Heros 6. Heard that the story line for this game rox and the graphics is kinda cool and kawaii, cute lol...
Anyway off topic, i'm feeling kinda sad that i have yet said hi to a primary school friend... Friends for 6 years and that's that... feel kinda awakward... haiz should i say hi when she doesn't even seems to remember me at all, lol...
Sianz... lol, my second post of the year , first post for this term and that's all there is. Really nothing much to write about, nth seems significant enough for me to blog... Maybe i'm just old... lol
Sick pple, fun day
Wah some bomb.... im sure today 2 brudders "sick" and never come sch... make the brudderhood so empty =(((
hmph.. the guilty parties are weeps and tong hin.. tmd.... if yall had come would have made buying nk's prezzie much easier lor.. kaoz...
today quite man... no mood to do PW brainstorm den got owned by tutor lol gd thing i chionged reflections in da morning.. of not will kena nuclear bomb... ... some man... im ser stand ouside class room and look in tru window to "listen" to class..... lol.. den she come out and scold us.. T_T.. SORRY MISS KAAAUUURRR I WONT DO IT AGAIN!!!!
i hope... XD
today ahboy class like man.. im sure late for econs lecture for nearly 15 mins lol.. den teacher keep saying "we shant wait for the late comers~" haha... i wished i was a late comer... at least better than a premature ejaculater... XD
today physics lecture some bomb.. lolx.... at the end of it.. my notes still havent flip open... LOLX... cause got godlike sitting arrangement... yao, marcus, farhan, me, wenliang... godlike...
oh not so yet... haven say infron.. sitting infront.. is... SHALOM... lol.... we noisy like some eff.. lolx.. farhan down there doing magic tricks den wenlinag try to learn and keep failing.... den me and marcus keep cracking lame shit jokes....
i was like "shit i dunno how to do anything larx.. " den marcus said "i teach you" den took out a piece of
tissue ... lolx.. im sure... den we also scandium here and there.. and oolala.. farhan softball bat brand is EXTRAScandium.. lol.. how cool is tt... basically we noisy like man.. den yao sleep like very
sian.... lol.... yao god-like lar.. im sure sleep like log..
oh oh todae sabbie bdae.. lolx.. den marcus guai lan.. the card all empty spaces mar.. den got print out these words "Have a lovely day" in the mid.... den marcus go circle that and then write on top "yo sabbie" and below "-marcus" and decorate wif a few suns and birds ... lolx.. im sure...
but after that tian hui did some godlike drawing and then owned marcus.. den marcus very pissed.. then he saw a printed out teddy bear.. den go there did same thing.. write Yo sabbie on top and sign off below the bear.. lolx.. den say "i draw one.. godlike"
den gao yuan go draw some smiley sun at the corner of the page.. den i was like "OMG GAO YUAN HAS A SON!" den marcus say "wad lar.. i got 3 sons mebe" den i was like "oh yar.. you bear a son.." den he gave me the mouth agape watuf face.. lol.. den suddenly we burst out luffing.. like loud like some bomb exploding..
yao continues to sleep...
lol.. today phys pract quite man... we suppose to do skill b... muz record weight hang on spring and bounce 20 times.. record the timing.. den Raufie like some racist...
shalom knee and arm pain cause training.. den im sure he praise her that she do small ocillations and kneel down to keep at eyelevel
den Iwan some manly rugger... lol.. lets juz say iwan likes bouncy stuff... poing poing... piuuu.. the weight fly away~~ lolx...
yar.. nth much le lar.. and juz.. happie bdae sabbie!..
today odac had crc (challenge rope course) over at MOE May Adventure Centre. at first it sounded like some impressive facility with lots of rock walls, vertical challenges and the like. ended up, its just some old abandoned primary school with a huge field where they erected the crc structure somewhere in bendemeer.
when i reached boon keng mrt, the place didn't exist on the map that mrts stations have that shows a radius around them cause it was too far away. so i went over to the passenger service only to find out that the guy couldn't find the place in the street directory. luckily i rmbed the rough direction i had to go and met chihung on my way there.
as rundown as the school is, the crc was actually quite nice. can't rmb the names of the all the stations there, but i shall talk about a few. first one i did was the vertical challenge, which was pretty much like the double dangle duo for those who know it, but much easier cause the course is more varied with extra planks sticking out vertically and handholds/footholds on them. did that with chihung, quite manly, i think we did the fastest in our group ^^.
next one we did was abseiling, quite fun also, wasn't as scary as i thought it'll be. must be one of the easiest stations yet.
had some crashers there, who happened to be RJ sailers. you may wonder why they are there, but isn't is obvious they are there to do absailing?
after a short break we went to do the rest of the stations. theres this station where you had to walk the plank. its pretty much suicide, theres this plank which is detachable (easily) from the platform then you got to stand on it and swing it to the other side and attach it to the other platform, and climb across. first time i tried, i got the plank attached to the other end a few times, but it kept coming out. cause it was very tiring, i started to rest a while, only to realise that i've been gradually slipping lower and lower, and can no longer reach the rope to grab on -_- so had to come down. but tried again later, and succeeded ^^ sorry to any guy who didn't get to do cause i did twice >_<.
then mr shah gave us a lecture on our language, and we should not be gender-biased. firstly the use of the word "manly" to describe manly things. he says that not only man can do things like climbing, girls also can, so we should use words like fantastic or tremendous instead.
the next word is using "guys" to call everyone. but since odac girls are so m- fantastic, i see no difference in using guys to call everyone =P
oh well, feeling quite depressed today, but don't feel like talking about it. so i'll end off here =)
Prickly Heat
yoz.. felt kinda bored so decided to come blog!.... im here to blog about the sch uniform too! cause i juz wore it for the first time 2 days ago.. and oh boy... was it a shitty experience...
The tamade school shirt is like how suck..... well i think thats an understatement but ya..... its mudder hot and also when u start to get hawt (ooh lala) and sweat, you soon realise that.. hey... wats that? my shirt inside got ants! ahh watuf!!...
yes.... indeed.... thanks to the high grade cloth our uniform is made of, now we can have a whole new experience... we can itch all the time, and then scratch our body and feel very song! thanks bibi and baba!
Oh and though some people might think that water proofing the shirt is useless and actually irritating cause sweat collects, i beg to differ! Now whenever you sweat, all the sweat, instead of getting absorbed by the shirt, will streak down to ur pants and underwear.... soon you find yourself in wet undies....
hmm... is that a good thing? hell yeah man... because now, pple like NK will have excuses for having wet underwear! haha.... well done beautyworld designers! thats what i call market research... give wad us teens want!
Oh and come on... fireprove aint useless! its good... imagine one fine day... when marcus goes around his usual habit of tapping people on their shoulders (yes very mature). wouldnt it be a dangerous hobby if we dont have fireprove clothes?
Oh and you noe how stressful school is... people are selfdestructing here and there... so its a pretty good idea to have fire prove shirts on you noe... so when one 爆炸s, one can in-plode instead of explode! keeping others save! 己所不欲勿施于人 yep thnx again!
so pple.. dun complain so much lar... acutally the sch uniform is doing us a service... be appreciative yea? especially the excuse they provide when we have wet undies XD
oh and why is this post title Prickly Heat? well, the shirt is hot and prickly wad... sorry, not referring to the powder..
nothing much really, but just felt like blogging, so here i am.
our econs teacher is really getting more and more unbearable. she seems to love giving us the i-don't-really-understand-what-your-qn-is-
but-i-don't-care-cause-i'm-right look. on top of that, she keeps using her you're-wrong-you're-wrong-no-don't-argue-you're-wrong tone to talk to us. then asked us questions which she has never gone through or told us before, and questioned us like as though she has told us a million times before.
really can't stand it when she keeps saying our standards are very low, and how other classes are doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than us. not our fault that we are slower learners with a ______ for our teacher.
but besides memories whats gone never returns so don't dwell on them (thanks to eugene), lets not dwell on econs anymore.
today was a great day! lessons ended at 12 w00ts. wanted to save money and go canteen for lunch while some of the class wanted to watch V for vendetta, but somehow or another, we (canteen goers) followed them to j8 to have lunch after they promised to go food court. on the way there, i begged them to go S11, but as usual, no one wants to go S11.
so went to j8 as planned. then although not planned but as i expected, the moment we stepped into j8, everyone stopped in front of the macs to change their mind. half of them went into macs to eat, the other half went in to stone since they wanted to eat somewhere else. while the smart ones (wee pin, and me of course) went over to KFC to eat ^^. after finishing our food, we went over to macs to find out that they are no longer watching v for vendetta, and the rest who havent eaten has decided to go cafe cartel to eat!!! (wee pin, we are really geniuses) although spent $6 rather than $2 =( at least i saved at least $3 by not going cafe cartel! w00ts
i have decided that i will refrain from going out, watching movies, eating out (ESPECIALLY THIS!!) in order to save $$$! and i shall keep all my money at home so that i can go around telling ppl i got no money =)
if you read from the top all the way until here, i guess you must be feeling really bored by me already, so here's something interesting my friend told me, quite immoral, but its just for laughs anyway so don't take it too seriously =P:
Bibi and Baba
been quite some time since my last post, so here i am!
school started again yesterday. how come hols never seem to be enough?? anyway, wore my new bibi and baba RJ uniform to school.
well, i suppose they are quite well made, that is if they were meant to be ovens. no matter where you go, its just damn freaking hot, the uniform probably generates heat on its own. shirt hot, pants hot. now we know why well-educated ppl has less children nowadays.
besides this, our new body appliances are also very prickly. every part of the body it touches will give this itchy sensation, guaranteed to irritate you no matter what you are doing. the sensation will probably remain until the 1,456,709th wash.
moreover, its slightly water proof. when you drip any liquid (eg chocolate milk from the bubble tea shop) onto it. instead of seaping right in, there will be some surface runoff, causing a nice and pretty long brown trail BEFORE infiltration. great way to protect the shirt from any round liquid stains.
the shirts has great design too, just look at all the buttons on the shirts. one look and anyone will know you bought it from bibi and baba. some of you might loathe it now, but one day when bibi and baba becomes are famous as zara, people will probably be fighting to get their hands on your genuine bibi and baba shirts.
so all this has led me to think that designers of beautyworld are a million times smarter than bibi and baba. they actually made their uniforms fire and water proof! now at least we don't have to worry about our uniforms melting from the heat it collects in it and we also don't have to worry about it getting soaked in our sweat.
moreover, if you write your name on the inside of your beautyworld uniform, in case of a large scale fire in RJ and you get trapped in it, they will be able to identify you after finding your uniform among other piles of crisp.
but we should really thank them, at least now we go truthfully go around to ppl and tell them, i think you are hot, without you feeling remorseful or being scandalous.
wah diu eh... damn long liao and no one blog.. im sure... full of shit lar.... and eugene's post dun count since its duplicate post.. lol......
well here to tok about my hols... ok not really everything bout my hols la.. basically the outings lo... hmm... lets tok about 2 ba... og chalet and tksspm brudders' bbq! haha....
actually..... dun really feel like blogging... haha...
ok shush... i will force myself to blog.. yes..... right... hmm.. ok..... yup... start ba... ok..
well... ruo wei, xiaole, sanlee and i were suppose to meet at pasir ris mrt at 12 am lol.... den everyone was late... haha... so in the end because everyone was late, no one was late! hahaha.. phew.. lol... and i took same train as ruo wei without realising.. lolx... yar...
went to buy stuff for the bbq in some ntuc... lol.. then the gals were all like dunno wad to buy and stuff haha.. den i juz stand there helplessly.. though i would noe what to buy and stuff, i was too stoned lol.. so i juz like stand there and niao them being very 废 lolx.... but in the end still ok lar... organised them and help them out, yays.. haha...
but they really bought a lot a lot of shid lar.. lolx.... 92 bucks of foodstuffs... diu... still bought 18 cups of noodles... like im ser.. lol... den met up wif jia hui and cheng hui... at first we wanted to take bus la.. which will be less tiring and much faster, but being the ever stingy, oops i ment um... hmm.. um... thoughtful jia hui, he did not want to waste
our money so asked us to walk... lol.. wif all the bags of foodstuffs haha.. but we 3 guys carried the bulk of it lar... sanlee carried quite a lot too.. i think... yar.. dunno how much ruo wei and xiao le carried, but.. i guess its not a lot.. haha....
wah lao damn pissed also lor.. haha.. im sure sanlee keep asking me if i need help.. look down on me... its juz measly 5-6 kg on each hand oni lor.. dots... though the big bag of charcoal can be quite a
drag if u noe wad i mean.. lol....
walked damn far to the chalet area.. then check in... got some probs here and there.. but fianlly cleared up... still dunno wad happened lol..... went in the room stone arnd while the gals put the stuff into the fridge.... stoned and waited for yan min to come...
ruo wei and xiao le were like begging everyone to go escape theme park la.. lol.. den edmund and me were very resistant to going but in the end still got dragged there la... though we wanted to cycle more lol....
walked 2 mins to escape theme park.. den see inside the queue like some long eff.... den a lot of us got turned off la... haha... den nicole came... dressed damn seventies liddat hahahahaha.... damn cute lar... u noe.. lime shirt and pink shorts.. like go beach liddat.... den she walk here and the wind very big so her long hair like flying like some pantene advertisement... haha look like some model liddat.... den when she met up wif us... xiaole said this
"eh nicole.. you look very chio
from afar leh"
LOLOLSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! though i doubt she didnt mean any harm.. well.. its still darn farney... haha..
den we asked nicole... eh u wanna go escape or go cycle... den without thinking for one bit she spamed cycle!.. haha den me and edmund were like WOOO haha.. no need waste moneh le haha.... so jia hui, cheng hui, edmund, yan min, sanlee, nicole and i went to cycle!
while xiaole and ruowei went to loser escape theme part XD .. the cycling was quite fun and relaxing... edmund and yan min sit 1 tandem cause yan min n00bish cyclist haha.. lol damn funny den edmumd keep owning her and scaring her.. ocasionally let go both hands and go WOO.. haha.. ... den she would scream lolx...damn funny..
cycled near the beach.. omg.. i typed bitch instead of beach juz now... lolx... time to go reflect le.. haha....
anyway... it was very nice and windy... the sea breeze was fantastic.. and may i say downtown east has the most serene beach of all the other coasts in singapore.. cause overlooking the sea can see kelongs and stuff.. and not like east coast.. got all the big shid boats din tei the sea.. haha.... quite nice lar.. like some urban escape.... makes me think of the good ole days staying at the secluded pulau dayang (some island owned by my dad's fren)
den nicole suggested we take a break and sit at the raised breakwater by the beach and juz relax... good idea nicole.. was very nice...
lol den there yan min was like complaining that edmund some eff rider, keep scaring her.. lol.. den i said.. hmm why not i switch wif edmund lol.... den she said ok lor..... lol... boy was she in for a treat... hahaxx... who noes that i was more bomb den edmund... lol... no hands, stand up, swerve left and right lalala...haha.. she she keep screaming and keep saying "very fun hor very fun hor" den i will "yar" den she will "yar for u la" haha.. den sometimes she will like keep whacking me haha... some bomb..
when we reached the other end and stop she immediatly ran to edmund lolx.... lala... well.. at least i gave her her fair share of escape theme park... lolx...
after cycling, went back to start fire.... as usual, i was the fire starter.... ya.. juz put my hand there... lolx...
den junx ws suppose to come wif xiaole's bdae cake without xiaole knowing la.. lolx.. so i had a big job of distracting xiaole while junx arrived wif the cake... so i went into the room and called xiao le out from her card game like some important thing juz happened... lolx...
den she came out and was like "yea? wad?" den i .. "um.. um... er... hey, er u think the coals hot enuff to start the bbq liao not ar?" yes i noe.. -______- lolx... den she was like watuf? "um.. i guess so... lolx.. why u call me.. i very noobish at this kinda things 1 lar" den i was like.. "er cause u went class bbq before" .... "oh"....
LOL HOW BOMB WAS TT haha.... but still tricked her haha... lala..
bbq went relatively well... most stuff were cooked la.. and not cancerous.. haha..a lot of slackers while pple like me and edmund and sanlee were slaving away.. haha...but ok lar.. i dun really mind... used to it anyways... yup.. food was quite nice.. though i think the class bbq 2 was nicer haha.... den rich came.. quite late.. so we bbqed some stuff for him to eat lo.. though fire was alrdy dying...
he came and the all went into the room to play heart attack.. while i came out and restarted the fire from scratch... and then go put on some balls to bbq... tooked bout 40 mins liddat... alone outside.. while they having fun inside.... den came in wif the cooked balls ... they all like "yay chin nam!" but then continued playing..... and no one ate my balls... hmm should i be relieved? lolx... well of course i was pissed lor... tmd.. waste my time...
den i dunno wtf happened.. but then someone decided that we should sleep.. i think cause jia hui was already dead asleep liaoz that influenced us.... well it was oni tmd 12 am lor.. and chalet.. im sure slp.. well anyway we proceeded to slp lar.... den wah like man....i dun really think i slept a lot.. i kept waking up lor.. sleep a bit a bit.. then edmund and ruo wei cannot sleep at all.. haha.. cause edmund kena kiap by xiao le and ruo wei.. den xiao le take some mudder big space and then edmund cannot move least he pushed ruo wei out of the bed.. haha.. den they also say i snore like some man so they cannot sleep... lolx... but there were quite a few others lar.. lol.. like junx sometimes let out snortts lolx...
and sanlee some bomb also.. lol.. im sure sleep talking.. haha.... den also will crack knuckles and den hug herself and smile while sleeping.. well im also guilty of cracking kunckles also la.. haha so is rich..
well.. at 6 am.. i cmi.. i hot like waaaaa... den cmi cannot slp le.. so i woke up and went to find ruo wei who went outside.... strolled arnd wif her in the compound.. went to "explore" the compund lolx... den went out for breakfast... drank teh o and bought her a milo... den juz t0k k0k a while lo... went back... then she started trashing everyone to wake them up.. cause she verypissed she din slp and then the rest were like sleeping so soundly.. lolx.... evil woman...
slowly everyone stirred.. den made cup noodles to eat... and played heatattack... lolx... i really gave them heart attack.. cause i whack like some eff.. damn pain lolx.... and edmund kena 2 times hand red like some red thingy.. ya... lolx...and i damn own lar.. tru out that 1 hour of heart attack i never got hit once... woo...mum called to rush me home.. chalet called.. to rush us to check out.. so we cleared up.. took left over food.. for brudderhood bbq.. den zhaoded lor.. thats the end of the og chalet... haha.. very long hor.... but now still got brudderhood bbq.. lol.. tahan a bit hor lol.... sorry~~
Brudderhood BBQ
Ytd was the tksspm brudders' bbq! haha.. it was really fun lar.... well.. we were supposed to meet at 11.. haha but i cmi cause mum was pissed so juz went to bedok at 1030 to pass eugene leftover stuff frm og chalet.. den went home...
came to ecp at 130 liddat... at first wanted to go kbox 1... den eugene psyco them not to.. dammit eugene.. i wan to go! welll.. too bad we couldnt liao cause they had already rented bikes and no one to look after them.. so we tried to get shaun/yuk lun's og to come and use our bikes lol.. but sadly they already rented skates.. dammit... die bitches.. die....den yuk lun cunning boy... lie to me.. sayhe falling down cannot talk.. so hang up phone on me -.-
and so we cycled to go find them... me and nk on the tandem.. lol.. den i did all the things i did to yan min on nk.. but nk trust me so never freak out.. haha.. s2pid ym.... anyhow.... ya.. the tandem some eff... chain keep coming off.. damn full of shit... cycled to the coffee shop near the cable ski pool.. rest there have some drinks and t0k k0k.. den cycled back to pit .... den to the small jetty near by the pit to enjot sea breeze and juz hang out.. den yuk lun/shaun's og came too... lol.. yuk broke the gear changing wire when he fell down while trying to be extra.. lol.. so jack lor... hung arnd there.. yz came too.. den after that went to buy food while eugene and nk went back to eugene's home to bring the stuff i gave to him dat morning....
bought not a lot of food lar.. amout up to 58 bucks... a big improvement from og bbq haha.. cause got left over stuff ma.. lolx.. yays.... went back to pit wif all the stuff.. and then saw shaun/yuk's og there.. was like "watuf?" den found out they joining us.. so was like.. zzz... cause got gals.. so muz be more reserved so sianz lor....
den went to start fire.. i started it again.. AS USUAL~~ bully me... ):
wy and gang brought deoderant and then start using the deoderant as flame thrower keep flaming shit.... lol... they took out wei yangs old RI shirt and toasted it wif the flame thrower.. lol.. so gay..
cooked prawns first... cooked butter prawns tepanyaki style.. was really tasty.. yar... den we found out the cadbury choc dat ben bought was like melted liao so we bahhhhhh... put on foil and put on bbq to melt haha.. den dip the marshmellows on it.... damn damn damn nice lar i tell u. and tong hin was like making so much noise saying we suck at toasting the marshmellows that i keep scolding him den he ): im sure u scold me lolx..
the whole bbq was damn funny lar.. cause nk quite high.. den glad that yuk/shaun's og stayed.. cause the gals were quite fun lar..a nd they helped out wif the bbq.. so nice .. haha... the wings were quite hard to cook lar... looks quite nice on out side but inside "jelly jelly" lolx.... cook and recook... oh and muz thank dali for marinating the chicken wings! thx old man! food was quite nice.. but we neglected the otah.. haha... bought 40.. in the end oni ate 20.. haha....
sang songs and stuff... the gals frm the og ask us play some song game thingy lol... quite bomb.. but quite fun.. haha... sad they had to zhao off early... den we very sian.. went down to the beach.. (shit.. i typed bitch again... lol.. muz see councilor le) enjoyed land breeze (night time is land breeze not sea breeze) and the moon... was very beautiful..... yar.... den me and yuklun like spotted a UFO lor.... much as we would like to think that was a real UFO.. but i dun think so lar... hope not.. it was juz this bright light in the sky... and it was not moving la... juz there .. nope not a star.. quite big.. was floating there for quite long.. den suddly dissapeared... i think mebe something frm the ships? dunnoo.. might really be a UFO .. haha
went back to the pit.. den eugene started burning aluminium foil lol.. den tong him mod the lighters until the gass leak out very quickly den endothermic process den the lighter become damn cold.. haha.. cool man... dunno why suddenly the talk degenerated to dota talk.. haha.. after tt.. cooked rest of sausages.. finished them up.... cleared up... um.. a bit at least.. lol... ok honest a bit.. we zhaoeded leaving the place an utter mess.. haha... cannot blame us.. the wind blow then the shit all over the place in radius of 10 meters... haha...
after that zhaoded home lor.. reached home at 1130.. was damn scared mum would own me but heng heng she not at home.. haha.. yays.... haiz... three consecutive BBQs. my throat is now officially dead.. and hands are perma black
well.. this is a very long post... . so i guess i should stop now...
oh ya and btw, you can read more about the bbq at eugenes blog... its under the links.. yup... hmm.. right now its 2526 words...
ok this post from the brudderhood bbq part onwards is posted at 11:07 pm.. because damn bloger screwed up dun lemme edit juz now at 650.. and i had to go out for dinner.. yar....
anyway ciaoz~
I'm bored...
Felt quite bored this hols with work that I should be doing but don't feel like doing.. Oh well, I'll get to them... someday.. In the mean time, check out these pics:
The one on the left is the RJ pants and the one on the right is my old RI pants... hmm.. maybe they were right in making us buy new pants...
O well, so I went to some supermarket in Bedok Reservoir with my parents after lunch. Me? shop? in a supermarket at that? lol.. not my type of thing, so being bored I walked round looking at the signs and spotted a few interesting ones:

The words aren't very clear so I retyped them. May have made a mistake with the second word in both the English and Chinese versions but no, I didn't make a typo with the first, it does say Life. Ok, maybe their English not so good, but do these fishes look live to you? lol..And well, discovered their Chinese isn't that fantastic either:

Btw, 活 means live in Chinese. Well, perhaps they didn't realise the fishes in the previous picture died, but these.. there's no way these could have been alive at the time when the sign was placed there right?
Speaking of bad language, here's another from some shop in some shopping centre which I took a looong time ago:

hmmm.. now I'd certainly hope that the assembly people they send don't have to read the instruction manual when they do the assembly... haha, then again, to be fair, maybe their comprehension skills might be better. Well, enough of the bad signs already, here's one that's perfectly fine, but just looks a little ironical:

The picture's been sharpened a little to make it clearer but its still not that fantastic, anyway, it says "National Oxygen" and "Liquid Argon". heh, that's all for now,don't forget about the hols hmk and to join the yahoo grps for gp!
hmm.. Not sure what's this for but oh well, never hurts to disclaim:
Disclaimer: These pictures were all original shots taken with a camera phone and were edited only in terms of sharpening the image and emphasizing certains areas and adding in text wjhere neccessary for greater viewing comfort. These pictures were in no way intended to harm anyone and are just food for thought. Any losses regardless of form resulting from this post is purely unintentional. Please contact the author at alliednations[at]gmail.com if you have any valid reason for the photos to be taken down.
As such, please don't sue me =)
Tonights a beautiful night
hey.. tonite had class outing.. quite fun.. and funny haha... a lot of shit head jokes... mebe when free can tell u guys...
yup.. sad a lot of pple cant make it... haiz.. jere why liddat? zz...
yup... also got aggy and wanqing's fren weijean join us. yup.. quite nice person quite funny and cheerful also lol.. yup...
tonight's moon is really big and pretty and bright... so.. let all aquintence be forgot.. and enjoy tonites moon... yup...
St Nicks carnival
lol 240 am now.. nth to do so decided to come blog bout todae....
lol.. juz realised... 2:40am... witching hour... scary sia... haha... later got some bomb come up scare me..... ok.. shid gotta stop thinking bout tt...
well todae was quite a nice day... went to St Nicks fun fair carnival wif Yi Yan and Bernie... actually din wanna go lar... cause like no one go... den i realised RONIN is goin there to play.. so i wooooo... jumped at the chance... partly also cause of bernie la.... keep her company lor... try to make her happie... haha.... though din really do much....
RONIN totally rocked lar.... yar... but lolx.. no atmosphere la... there all the "
little children and elderly kids" as said by Levan the lead singer lol.... im sure elderly kids... he some guai lan.....
he tried to do some manly shid lar.. im sure throw the mic stand.. den everyone oni "watuf?" cause im sure... everyone seated and sian sian stone stone.. den he try to bomb some ruk n roll shid lol...... oh yar.. den got these bunch of loser extra cat high shid heads.... down there damn extra scream damn loud
shouting the song so loudly... den doing crazy shid actions... jumping arnd pushing arnd.... juz basically being a bunch of pests to all the other audiences....
assholes.. try to act cool den wanted to go up front in front of the stage to try to "
rock" wif the band... lol den got ushered back by security... LOSERS!!!!!!!!
lol den bernie was juz like luffing lor.. haha... you noe... its damn funny when losers try to act
kewl & wild den tio jack ... haha....
the place was damn crowded lar... like 5pple per suare metre... like im sure... haha..... but the school is damn big lor... its MUDDER BIG.. bigger than RI + RJ.... hmm.. might not be but certainly seems so.. cause everywhere is buildings... not a lot of big spaces like RI+RJ... but REALLY very big.... very pretty also.... the place like some park lor... fountains everywhere... fir trees really add a touch of majesticness and coolness to the sch... yar.....
Yi Yan had 12 bucks coupons to spend lar.. and he willingly shared wif us for free... what a nice guy ... haha.. so after the concert.. we dunno wad to do.. so we decided to find yiyan's sis stall.. haha... they were selling chin chow... so we decided to give support lor.. and buy 3 cups... after eternity of lining up behind a non existent queue of pple hu were juz standing there and wasting space... we got our 3 puny little cups of sugared water.. which cause 1 buck each, where u can buy twice the size for 50 cents in sch..... tmd... lolx....
lol..... den we were suppose to pay 3 bucks in coupon ma... but they never collect... so i told yiyan to juz pay the gal who was infront of the donation box lar..... but she looked so concentrated and busy staring into blank space.. we decided to leave her alone, least she turned arnd and bite us.... lol... so yup.... free chin chow anyone? haha
so we still had 12 bucks left.. and i was mudder thirsty frm drinker sugared water wif black slimy shid inside.... i asked 1 buck frm yiyan and went to buy 1 bottle of unchilled mineral water.... haha.. drank it in 5 secs.. .lol.. den yiyan and bernie were like.. o.O im sure.....
we dunno how to spend the remaining 11 bucks lor.... so we wondered arnd and tried to buy some food stuffs... to support stalls and etc... but wah bomb... im sure ALL the shid SOOOO DAMN EX... like tmd... 1 puny chicken frank wraped in a small thin mouldy slice of prata costs 3 bucks...... 1 banana dripped wif some pathetic choc frm choc fountain.... 2 bucks.... small cup of fruit punch for 2 bucks..... damn pissed.. fruits cant even punch den they wan 2 bucks.. im sure... lol ok shuddup chin nam.. not farney....
so we decided to play some games... all the games damn ex also... and like so fei... got some
reverse bungee.. pathetic.... i jump also can jump higher and faster..... we decided to play some "can knock us down" station thing... where they stack 4,3,2,1 cans (total10) in a trigonal distorted planar horsesaw linear bi
pyramidal den u suppose to stand like 1 metre and thorw bean bags as big as ur palm size and knock down as many as possible....... I AM SO SURE ITS SO MUDDER EASY!!!!!!1 but im sure all the lao pok pple... miss like some man... wth... i wanted to scream at them lor.. im sure.. i metre also miss... ok lar... mebe thoes little 8 yr old kids can spare.... give them chance... but im sure.. got some 23 yer old ang moh looking d00d wif funkeh hair and reflective sunglasses and bling bling.. basically some poseur like this d00d... missed ALL three shots...... wth... den our turn.... yiyan took first throw... ok lar.. average.. knock down 4 cans liddat... i took the second throw... like some bomb explode.... all the cans kena bombed... lol.... then the stall attendent was like "waa.... pro" lolx... pls.. its bomb simple.. can... den last shor bernie dun wan throw... so i juz throw at the cans lying flat on the table... lol... so extra..... shld have juz stopped...... XD
so we won a big prize.. supposedly... which was actually quite nice.. was a soft toy doggie... bout size of A4 paper.... for 3 bucks... not bad.... yup... gave the cute lil doggie to bernie of course.... dun wanna be gay and carry it arnd lolx.....
felt thirsty again... then saw a few pple walking arnd drinking COLD mineral water.. den i burst out "COLD WATER!!!" lol... den chiong down to carpark to find store.... lolx... found the store den bout 3 bottles.. one for each of us...... lol.. downed the 500 ml bottle in 3 sec liddat... when they juz finished opening their bottles i was throwing mine away... lol... den bernie and yiyan were like O.O! "IM SURE!!" lolx... sorry lar.... very thirsty... really....
well...5 bucks left.. walked arnd very very long...found water cooler.. YAY.. haha.. no need waste anymore money on drinks.. filled up bottles walked arnd... saw shou yee, gabriel goh, and gan ming kiat... said hi den juz zhao... look at s2pid rides that cost bombs.... like... 8 bucks to sit on some shid dat will spin u a few rounds in slow mo.. last about 1 min

im ser how waste money... we juz walked arnd lar... den im sure bernie ask us go do manicure lolx... den we bahh... juz line up... den wah the queue long like man.. den we juz zhao... phew .. lolx... went to see the arcade.. got a few sucky lan diao machines there.. lolx.... really din noe how to spend remaining 5 bucks... den we walked walked.. den OMG we saw the cheapest thing ever.... THREE icecream pops for TWO BUCKS.. WOWWWWWW... so we chionged and bought... bought chendol for me and yiyan, red bean for bernie.. haha.. quite tasty actually... i tot its juz chendol flavoured icecream la.. but den eat inside got the chendol jelly and all the liao and stuff.. den wah im sure.. its FROZEN chendol.. lol.... sat in hall and ate.. so now left 3 bucks...
really dunno wad to do wif 3 bucks liao.. so we went back to play the hit the cans thingy LOLX... haha... we went there, watched a few more losers miss like eff... reached our turn.... they changed shift lar.. so diff attendent... den the attendent saw the doggie plush den said.. "hmm that looks strangely familliar...lol" haha.... but so sad lar.. they no more plush liao... we owned the cans as usual.. i think i crushed one... lol.. den she like damn sad..... well.. no more nice prizes.. den bomb... they gave us.. ONE sausage bread.. and one puny little box.. written jewellery box.. lol.. which was basically a small porcelain box 5cm by 5cm.. lol.. yiyan took to give her sis...
after that not much le.... went macs ate some small shid... den zhaoed.... den after bernie got off bus.. sent such a sweet sms which goes like "thanks for gg out with me e whole afternoon n for e doggy" lol so sweet... no probs bernie! anything for our guest of honor haha..
though din really do much today.. but we spent money wisely haha.. and 4 hours and spen only 12 bucks for 3 pple! how pro is that.. saved so much money.. haha... well.. hanging out wif frens is free entertainment.. thats why i like to juz hang out.. dun have to go do expensive shid wad... company is the best...
well 3:45 am now... late liao.. ciaoz!
once again, feeling screwed.
NOI results was announced today. RI and RJ did extremely well, both schools got first in respective categories. grats Raffles.
as usual i screwed it up, again (yes again, 2nd time for NOI and 4th time for all the competitions). when they announced my result, the f word nearly exploded from my mouth to every corner of the LT, good thing the gunpowder was wet with my saliva and didn't ignite very well, so it only came out as a soft f-.
got a silver. some of you might think silver isn't all that bad. it isn't! considering the prizes for the top 4 contestants are only an ipod nano, a mac mini and $500, a silver medal is much better than that. i mean, a silver medal is so damn useful! i could use medal to whack my head until i get a concussion and die, or i could hang myself with the strap, and with the medal, theres no need to worry i won't be able to feel depressed and miserable, all i have to do is look at the silver medal! now isn't that great?
but i'm used to it. f-ing up things as usual. not like its the first time anyway. looking forward to next year's NOI where i'll probably be experiencing this whole shit all over again.
Life is like a mahjong game, I suck at it
i realised im actually quite talented in comin up with some lyrics..at least i noe a thing or two..i feel so accomplished cause i, with some help from frens, just managed to fit a person's "life" into a song..and it is quite nice as well..not induced fit..
sadly, due to request, i shall not display my talent.. i shall remain humble...but if u really dyin to c how gd i am...u can ask...i am glad to send u a copy of my hardwork
orientation 2, dont cry gal..
Haiz, and so it has past... the wonderful times of being together as an OG are over... but they will be remembered.. and looked forward to....
O2 has passed and is now past... it was quite expected.... yar.... but not very good lar.... quite boring overall... worst is the free and easy station games thing... which was totally 废.... my OG juz ended up playing captains ball wif guys vs gals... haha..
guess who won? lol
u might think guys? but oh no.. ur wrong dawg.... haiz... how can we win man.... 7 vs 14... wooo... haha... some man.. or rather.. some woman...... totally CMI... there are twice as many gals as guys lor... and everywhere u look you will see all the vicious gals arnd you..... surrounding you like they gunna bite your balls off... oops i ment.. um... snatch the ball off.. ya XD.... and the ball drops so often... and whenever the ball drops to the floor, a massive lot of gals will chiong after the ball lor... i noe the ball very big lar.. no need liddat also can.... lolx... yar.. den got so many of them some more... the ball confrim tio their possesion... haiz.... s2pid gals.. keep lubbing our balls.. lolx..
though we lost.... we lost by oni 1 goal... 10-11 yar.. haha.. cause we no choice lar...we take long shots.... like... LOOOOOOOOONG shots..... lol.. long short! oxymoron! wooo.... ok.. totally random... ya... lol....
my og got 2 new additions as mentioned before.... quite nice pple... one is quite enthu, the other one is......
mudder bomb enthu...... so enthu that... um.. aiyar the trip to queenstown for batchgive was such
TRAvel... lol... discreet enuff?... but still.. shes a nice person..... didnt really bond with them though... but they mixed really really well wif few of the gals in my og... so thats cool.... yup..
batch give sux.... nuff said...
why? cause.... we went to the flat.... took lift.... went to the appartment... knocked on the door......
..... knocked on the door again.... and again.... and again... and peeped tru the top window, continued knocking.. shout inside "anyone home?!" for like 10 mins... until their neighbours came out.. den start staring and pointing at us.....
xiaole tot they might call police lol..... so went to explain to them wad we doin and ask where are they.... den this was the reply...... "那家没有人住.." wah im sure.... we all lan diao... lol.... i was kinda hoping the door wouldnt open lar... cause.. den can slack and no need to face awkwardness..... but actually.... in the end... i was kinda dissapointed... cause... yar.. quite useless.... nothing gained... lol.. cannot do the reflective...... haiz sorry la... never bring mirror...
basically was quite a boring day... tooked mudder lots of pics though... lolx.... on the train some more.. den all the pple arnd were like watuf? hahax.... had og dinner... where me and 3 other guys were totally excluded from the mass convo...... feel so left out... dunno wat they toking... zzz..... haiz.... and that was the end lor....
O2's programme quite sucked.... but still i loved O2... because main point is to get together as an og... and juz interact..... tokked quite a lot to pple i didnt talk much to.. like janna, boonleng, seikiat, nicole, sanlee and ya.... basically almost the whole og... lol.. cause last time we interacted was prollly O1 haha... yea.. 01 for lyfe.... luv u 01 peeps... pls dun deny me of all the camps leh.. really wanna go for SUTC... (oops sorry veered off course.. haha 01 is my scout troop =)....
oh and i concluded nicole dun hate me.... lol.. so happy.... glad there was O2 to clear that up.... If not i would juz continue hating u.... lol... so sad rite... hating u for nth... u are actually v nice lar.. i will support u for council! haiz... ya... im a nice guy also la... =
D <------ look at that big smile can know le.... though a little out of portion... lolx lalala... quite happy.. cause O2 has fufiled my wish of improving relationships wif my OGmates... i really luv my OG a lot...
Luffalotte For Life!!!! 
Bernie... dont cry gal... save those tears of sadness for tears of joy when you get 4 As for A'levels
prove RJ wrong.. that they didnt take such an extaodinary gal like you in...
dont cry.. cause u make me wanna cry too.... you noe... whenever you cry.. u would see me smiling... cause i dunno how to react.... goes the same to huan yong and yi yan.... 男子汉大丈夫,流血不流泪.... our hearts were bleeding.. though as much as we were gunna cry, we fought back.... change that into a smile... i guess guys juz dun cry much huh.... haha.....
you shld be like us too... take it in your stride, dont be sad... in fact, be happy!! cause you know that we love you so! be happy that you are going to make new friends and not lose any of us... no opportunity cost!
life will never be the same without you in our class... and now i am juz hoping xiaole, yiyan and wanqing wouldnt transfer class.. cause if so... theres no point for me to go to school anymore...
Besides memories, what's gone never returns, so don't dwell on them. don't cry no more
Stoned Wednesday
haha today mudder stone... me and nk and tong hin no cca... lolx... so we juz rot arnd.... btw... we rotted from 12 till 5.. den went home....
we walked j8 2 times... went inside so many shops to stone.. haha.... den walk around j8... and then walked to the arcade... and the coffeeshop behind the NTUC... lol... juz stone like hell... oh yar.... we acted damn pai kia lol... all tuck out shirt walk arnd like some pai... haha.... den we went behind ding tai fung... some secluded corner...
den we juz sat on the curb there.... then a few workers went there to smoke... den saw 3 of us there.. den they were like watuf? hahaha.. they dunno wtf we doing.. think we taking drugs or making out liddat... lol... its really really secluded.....
if u wanna go.. go straight down in the little path that connects pasta mania, yoshi, swensens, secret recipe.. and ding tai fung.. go straight down till u hit the wall.. den to the right got a mudder small opening.. ya.. go there and check it out.... den u now how pple will feel when they see 3 of us there.. hahahaha....... MUST GO!
oh yar... we so stone we went to j8 carpark to stone and make out lol.... some pics for yall... u all can click to enlarge =D
NK mega stoned
Nk and tong making out.. rather nk force kissing tong lol.. (yes they are gay)
for O2, my OG got 1 new addition, girl from cedar who transferred from SA. quite a nice person, very enthu, outspoken, even wanted to teach us bimbo cheers for the OG. sad to say, i think the most enthu person about the OG is her, a person who joined us yesterday. (sorry to anyone who feels offended by this)
and so today had batchgive. started off quite depressing cause rei min's appeal was rejected by RJ. i feel she really deserves a place here, definitely much more than all those ppl who take their place in RJ for granted. anyway, i know that RJ will find out that they've made the wrong decision when the A lvl results of our batch comes out. anyway, all the best to rei min!
so for batchgive we had to distribute miserable amounts of food supplies to the needy family (seriously miserable, how much can 5 tins of canned food last?!?!). and something happened which i thought was pretty ironic. in the morning just as we set off to queenstown, most of my OG stayed in the sch canteen to eat lunch, since its so convenient and rather cheap (yay, i only spent $2 on economic rice), while 6 of them went off to j8 to eat at pastamania.
its like the food we are giving is so damn little, like a bag of rice, 4-5 canned food, a tin of biscuits for an ENTIRE FAMILY. it probably costs around $10 or less and will last the entire family an entire duration of a whole 2 days, if they eat really little or if they skip a few meals. then over here, the supposed "samaritans" who have so kindly distributing canned food and dry rations to them are actually spending $10 per person on a single meal.
well, anyway, i ended up missing the distribution cause i went off to make my passport, quite a sad case cause i really wanted to go for it.
then after i finished applying for my passport, went back to j8 to join those from my OG who have already finished distribution and interaction. met them at mos burgers where some of them were having another meal, spending about maybe $6-7 per person?
not that i blame them for eating at expensive(yes $6 a meal is expensive, at least to me) places, but one would wonder if we have actually learnt anything from doing such a CIP, can we understand the importance of money from them? will we realise how fortunate we are to be able to even afford filling our stomachs for every meal without any worries?
i know that fastfood and restaurants are a staple to teens nowadays, but does it really have to be? are their food really THAT nice? could we have spent that $8 ($10-$2) on something more meaningful? we know that that money can make a difference to someone else's life, but will we donate it, or will we spend it meaninglessly on our selfish selfs?
wonder why my post keeps getting more and more philosophical and involve deep thinking. must start toking more kok again, oh well~
the end of Z'Kardia.2two
the end of orientation 2 brought abt two things two me.
1). by hook or by crook, i hv to stop playin basketball all together..or rather most sports that require me bare hands to ctrl the ball...just by playin a bit of captain's ball n bball, my skin is acting up again, n my fingers hurt....not onli tt, i realised that sometimes sports bring out the worst character in ppl. i was shock at how tempted i was to actually play dirty in a game of "not-so-friendly" captain's ball..n how agitated ppl can get at such ball games...
2). on the second day of orientation, i had to make a choice...
- p.sch p6 class gathering
- OG dinner
- current class bonding session
i ended up goin to my p.sch p6 class gathering. as much as i wanted to stay with my JC frens, i weighed the choices...a p6 cls gatherin happens like wad? once in a few years? its been years since i last saw some of em..n it most probably wont happen again anytime soon....OG dinner, been there done tt a lot of times, but nevertheless it wont hurt to do it one more time....current cls bondin..one of my clsmate came back to try n appeal again...so we are like seated ard in the canteen just chattin....if i had stayed back in JC, i cld hv stayed just tt much longer with my clsmates, n den join my OG for dinner, however, even when i hv this str gut feelin that the p6 cls gatherin wld end up a flop n kena pangseh, i went back...and end up, i was rite....such disapptment..i skipped other stuffs to come back for a non-existant p6 cls gathering......
it is at this pt of time, i hv another gut feeling...the end of O2 is not the beginin of the yr, but the ending of OG meetings...its been bad enuf after O1, there were alrdy ppl missin or rarely turnin up in the mornin...n with this final major event for the OG, i cant help but feel that tonite wld actually b the last nite where we, as an OG, wld meet up and just hv some fun....as in, tts it, no more exclusive OG time....with our workload increasing, n commitments increasing。。。我只是希望能再聚一聚,至少多那么一个早上也好。。
The shot
For those out there who think that chin's exaggerating, here's some evidence. The size of the white ball is exactly that of the black +- 2mm:
Rotting tru the wk end
Todae quite man... cause dae before.. i was like lets go out tmr! go marina square go kbox or smth lar... basically.. ya.. den nk say anything den wooo.. yeah... den i smsed everyone... but that time was like 1 am alr.. so i juz mass sms.... woo
den in morning woke up at 930.. cause meeting at 11 mah... den check phone.. wooo 2 messgaes.. "eh i cannot go.. have a nice day" wooo lagi best nia... den hmm.. 2pple.. k lar.. can make it.... den like 1030.. 3 sms came in... "oh i juz woke up and saw message.. sorry cannot go."
So polite.. u are forgiven.... so in the end left like me, nk, eugene, dali.. who can go out... yar.. den we like.. zzzzzzz suan le..
den at 11... got a miracle call frm jere.. "eh i feel like gg pool.. lets go.." woo bagus!.. den round up a few pple.. and so we went paradiz to pool.....
hmm... played quite shitty for the first 2 rounds.. got better laterwards... think i won 5 games lost 2... ya smth liddat... but 1 lose was damn shitty.....
well... all balls were cleared lar... den eugene missed the black ball.. and now the black ball directly juz right infront of the hole... like 1 cm more will drop in.. den que ball also in gd position lor..... haha.. so i like woooo i winz liao... lala.. worst case scenario i tot.. is i enter white ball and black ball together lar...so yar.. but not so bad...
but some mudder bomb..... the que ball tmd went in the mudder small hole and the black ball 原封不动.. i was like IM SURE IM SURE IM SURE WTFFFFFFF... cause u see 
.. the black ball was blocking the hole.... and oni 2 balls will fit JUZ NICE wif like 0.00001 mm between them at the entrance to the hole.. and the bloody lampa. hmm ok not bloody.. its black not red... ok so.. like how unlucky can i get....
which is today... lol..... went to marina square to rot!!!!! wooo... hahahah tricked Yan an a.k.a AhBoy to go wif me hahaha.. bluffed him got quite a few pple... like got weeps and willy.. but they oni go there as class outing cannot hang out wif us... lol... i noe.. i rock....
went there late.. then yan an keep saying i some ****er lol.... sorry la.. u say u will be late mar... so i also late.... oni i mudder late hahaha...... went there.. watched desmond and nk initial D... we decided to call it INERTIA D .. .. cause lolx.... u go play den u noe... haha....
den im ser.. they keep playing and playing like some bomb... den me and yan an juz stand there rot... and rot.... and go play time crisis 2... den go rot.... and rot... and rot.... X 10^x where x = some mudder big number...
ok.. we started rotting at 11-1, den went to eat... den rot again from 130-4... all time spent at the arcade WATCHING pple play... yays... how fun!
me and yan an were like.. becoming some statue.. like thoes greek stone statues... lol STONE statues.. wow.... ya..... den yan an like.. bahhh.. go lan la...... ok not LJ that lan.. but LAN as in local area network.....ya.. LAN in a LAN shop u noe?... ya k....
den desmond.. think he mudder pro... say "SET.. PLAY AWP 4 VS 1.. ME!" LOLX...
den me and yan an and nk were like "lol... ARE YOU SURE NOT? SURE NOT??"
haha.. and i top fragged at awp map lol... but it was 2v3 lar... not 4v1... but ice world some man.. atfirst 2v2 ice world... den i was being some imba whoopass.... den nk joined.. den 3v2... i in team wif 2... den wah BAO ZHA.... my kill:death ratio fell from 3:1 to 1:3 WOO... gd rite.. lol
ya la basically.. todae was a eff-ed up dae.. damn stone and damn sian.... haha.... MUZ GO K BOX LA I DUN CARE.... THIS IS A COMMAND.. ALL WHO OPPOSE WILL BE BANISHED!!!!
haiz.. really looking forward to tomorrow... cause can bond wif og again... really miss juz hanging out as a og... juz talk.. you noe... really really miss talking to them... haiz... sorry morning = stone time.... haha... but i mudder sad *sobs* that tomorrow my og will be short of 2 of my best frens.. haiz... so sad... got 2 more new pple coming.. 2 gals.. 1 frm st nicks, 1 frm chung cheng? forgot... lol... hope they are nice pple....
any way.. cant wait for tmr.... yayness!... lol... i noe... more like gayness.. haha... hmm.. but wadaya noe... mebe i am? wahahahahaha...
Money money money, its so funny, in the rich man's world.
no wonder i'm the only guy not laughing.
anyway, i've came up with this theory that the best way to save money is to go out with friends. then somehow, you'll always end up at this posh restaurant, it is likely that you'll save a lot of money. cause one look at the prices will already make you not feel like eating.
disclaimer: this only works if you are as cheapskate as me
today went outing with my class, usual stuff, went arcade and bowling. then went for dinner at country mana, some western restaurant in suntec. though i kinda expected us going somewhere ex and posh for dinner, i was hoping i might be wrong. after entering there, i realised that my theory was totally true! i've never felt fuller in my life, so i didn't eat anything there. (although the real reason was that my mum had already cooked dinner for me). as usual, the food there was ex (to me), like half a spring chicken was about $14.
so i sat down there and started sipping the FREE ice water, probably from the tap anyway, and watching them eat a hole into their wallet
then arrived home at about 9:30, and ate my frugal dinner of homecooked fishball soup and curry chicken. so started telling my mum about what happened, and when i got to the restaurant part, she's like "what? your friends so se3 de2, half a chicken $14, outside one whole spring chicken only $7, can eat outside cheaper don't want, must eat at such expensive place"
so i thought about it, hey its true! my mum only gets $50 of grocery money a week (no i am not lying, we are THAT poor). then the food at restaurants aren't exceptionally nice too, just maybe a bit better than what you find outside, but the price difference is so damn big! and spending like $20-$30 on 1 meal is just too much, maybe some families have survive on that a WEEK.
i mean, students like us, wth do we have to go to posh places to eat posh and "delicious" food? so what if its a class outing? so what if its an outing with friends? so what if its only once in a while? you won't die if you don't eat at posh places, your life won't be greatly affected, your standard of living won't drop. but if someone else had that money, it could mean having a proper breakfast, lunch and dinner, for 2 days!
while typing this, i also realised, if i converted the amount spent on food to oriental working hours, $20 will be like 4 hrs of work, slogging your guts out, getting scolded, not sleeping, walking non-stop, carrying endless trays of glasses, tables, chairs, getting bossed around by the boss. suddenly i feel like i'd rather starve.
in my secondary sch years, i always wondered why ri boys like to go fastfood so often, the food isn't THAT nice, its probably unfresh, unhealthy and unnutritious, and its damn ex, bloody waste of money. now i realise how lucky i was to have friends who actually go fastfood rather than posh restaurants which cost 2/3 times more though i still wish people will just go coffee shops and hawker centres.
anyway, new lesson learnt today, never eat dinner outside with friends, besides my np dudes who seem to always enjoy the humble atmosphere of S-11 (cheers guys!).
ok, so i hvnt really been postin cause i've kept forgettin of all the cheemology i reflected on, n i was a bit lazy too. cldnt find the motivation to blog abt. however, wad started as a gloomy day cause i cldnt go out with frenS ( had to go to granma's, nevertheless it was still a fruitful trip. so nice to visit granma) turned into a day full of deep thoughts. as u can c, on my way home, i was very very very free...at granma's place was watchin all the national geographic n discovery channel n stuff..they kinda started me reflectin...n since, without the homework pressure as tmr is O2, i hv some free time b4 i slp. hence here i am bloggin...
i've been thinkin, and i really dunno how i shld feel - to be happy or to be sad. i cldnt believe that they are ppl who are so naive n believe the words comin out of any person's mouth, esp when tt person is obviously backstabbin sum1 who has no trouble with him...the thing is, i cant believe tt there are ppl who can b so simple n straight minded..not being able to see pass the surface n reflect more, think a bit more critically..i mean, u rather trust sum1 who is so obviously bitchin abt another person on the pretxt of being nice wadsoever etc. than to believe that other person who has in no ways violated u....its sad isnt it, how unforgivin ppl can get....den again..is unforgivin a suitable word to use in such a case???
perhaps my fren is rite...the sch is full of immature ppl n backstabbers...its sick n tiring...this had made me think abt myself, hv i been such an S too? if i've been, im terribly sry...
Hope of a Better Age
Today, has to be the saddest day of our J1 Year. Posting results were announced in the morning, and yahx, some people received bad news =(
Our class is quite lucky in the sense that only one person took the axe, but it was doubly sad for that person la =(
Thanksssssss -_- Chin nam and Jeremy for being so 'supportive' when we tried to gather signatures for an appeal letter. But you all weren't the worst, these people were.

Wee Pin was looking for people to sign the appeal letter when he saw two seniors from his CCA and two of their friends sitting together.
He walks towards them.
Wee Pin: "Hello, B and D, would you kindly sign this appeal letter for..."
B cuts in.
B: "It won't work, it won't work."
D: ''Yeah."
A: "It won't work."
*Awkward pause*
Wee Pin: "Erm, ok, but can you just help me sign..."
C cuts in.
C: "We tried this last year too, but none of them worked, this appeal letter is really quite useless."
Wee Pin was slowly turning into an anion from all the negativity in the air.
B: "Yes, we did this last year, we gathered over 300 signatures but Mr W H still didn't let that person stay in RJ."
Wee Pin freaking gets the point.
Wee Pin: "Erm, so would you all help me in signing this letter?"
B and D signed and B hands over appeal letter to Wee Pin.
B: "The office will just accept the letter and signatures but they wouldn't read it. "
All in all, we managed to get 100+ signatures, not bad considering that most of the names were from people that she knew. So what's left is just to pray for some miracle to happen. For all the cynical viewers out there, there's no harm in trying right?
Apparently every year, the day the posting results are released is also called petition day. My senior said that on this day, people will go around the school asking people they don't know to sign the appeal letters they had. Pretty hectic day. So now I kinda understand why the J2s were all so cynical.
But enough about this moody shitx.
I had my first PW class today, and we lalala tok koked in class for a while, cause we thought PW would be some slack subject and the teacher wouldn't care. So we went into our classroom 15 mins late, and ....

got GGXXed. I have never felt so terrorised since my chinese lessons in Sec 4.
She started off with like this, "I'm part of the discipline committee and the white slips are at my leisure to give out."
O_o, bomb.
Then, she scoldx scoldx scoldx, and said that she thought we were a good class but we are so ill behaved, instead the boys in some class full of sportsman were so adorable and polite.
"Guys should not show their boxers. Girls' skirts must be at least at knee length. It's not about me, its about the rules. Girls, show some self respect! You know there are male teachers in school and you have to respect them! Nobody will get excited by *pause* - those things that you show."
lolx so conservative, then she went on about the engrish in singapore.
"You know I realised that if you speak a full sentence to the bus driver or food seller, he wouldn't understand you? If you say May I have a bottle of Coke? He will say Huh, but if you say Coke, he will orh orh orh. This is very bad"
I think Singaporeans are zai at infering loh, one word can get the message across. Here's an example.
PW Teacher: "Ok, I need you all to form pairs to complete this worksheet by the next lesson."
Wee Pin: "Willy."
Willy: "Wee Pin."
Zai diao, done.
Nothing much happened after that, she was a nice teacher, just short tempered at times, not bad la.
Oh yeah, one last thing.
This webbie is the best fansite I could find about RO 2. Pai seh last time I said RO 2 will be released in Feb, it was all just a bunch of rumours. Haix, I want it to come out but yet don't want it to come out, cause I got no self control and will just play non stop.
Erpx, lastly lastly, Heyi showed me this webbie of some funny avian flu chicken video. Lolx mother cute. go and take a look please:
Rei Min, don't give up hope! =)
You will always be the apple of our eyes.
I mean Pear.
og dinner and class dinner... gdbye edmund
heyyaa, howz everyone doing? gd i guess.... haha... i not so gd lar... i feel like my wallet's atomic bomb juz exploaded... haha...
i use to have $130 AUS bucks in my wallet.. and now they are gone.. in one day! haha... actually.. my wallet got heavier lar... since less notes more coins... nt bad...
ok.. first things first.. duh.. ok yar... CLASS DINNER
woooo.. class dinner some eff-up shid.... quite bomb... imser you all "save" me a seat... gd lor.. save me a seat to sit wif the 2 mabombs.... gj... took 1 hour to place order... woooo.... commendabe.. well.. this was the convo.... for ordering... btw... most pple had grps of 4, or 2 to order.. or they solo..
wanqing:"eh chin nam, i wan the chees thing 1.. the cheesy lava thing"
agnes: " i wan hawaiian!"
me: " im fine wif anything lar.. yall decide.. den tell me"
wanqing:"eh u wan to buy the couple meal or family feast meal thing?"
me:" i tot u want the cheesy lava thing, set meals dun have leh?"
wanqing: " can add 5 bucks."
agnes:" i want hawaiian!"
me:"anything lor... family feast lar... 9 inch so small.."
agnes: "i wan hawaiian!"
wanqing: "but i dont want hawaiian.."
me : " .... im ser u all so bomb"
wanqing : " why dont you all buy the family feast den got 2 pizzas 1 hawaiian den the other one something else?"
me:" hmm good idea..."
agnes : " so expensive!"
ok den this went on for like 30 + minutes until agnes decided to share wif 4 other pple.. and left me and wanqing.... so we decided to but like.. a ten inch cheezy lava (basically stuffed crust) pizza... den i like.. aiyar 10 inch so small... zzz.. yar so .. wat pizza ar?
wanqing: " oh.. btw.. i cannot eat pineapples.."
me *opens menu to take a look...*
*stares at wanqing*
: " ok... u rock... now we got 2 choices.. out of 15.. congrats"
.... quite bomb... haha.. so in the end we ordered super supreme... and she pick out all the pineapples and give to agnes who said " i like pineapples!" when wanqing said she allergic to them... lol... oh btw.. gao yuan was like shaking her head exasperatedly tru out the whole ordeal... haha
dinner was quite ok lar... quite skrued up as usual, wif all the effed up jokes and shid haha.... coming frm marcus and yao and edmund and stuff lar.... but quite sian.. quite a few pple never come.. wassup wif that man..... come on where is the class spirit...
after tt went to the mrt station there... sat arnd is some dark corner and started taking drugs... lol.. or seemed so lar.... so we zhaoded to some brighter place.. outside X-square.. haha... quite manly.. they keep trying to find some topic to talk but to no avail.. shid like "lets go one round and say your religion" came out... lolx... like... wtf?.. den marcus said "marcusism" wah im ser haha....... nice 1 bro... haha.. den me and marcus and most guys were like staring at the big screen tv outside showing the EA sports street soccer game..... so cool...... lolx.... after that..the gals keep like "marcus turn arnd lar.. and tok to us..." so marcus turned arnd and like listening to convo liddat..... lol some man.... so i hmm marcus so nice meh.... suddenly marcus blurted out.. " wah im sure so violent"... -____-.. he was staring at the tv tru the reflection frm the glass panel we were sitting arnd... LOLX... quite man..
neways... quite ok lar... not as fun as expected... but still ok lar...
yea.. now... for today.. OG Dinner!!
i really enjoyed this og dinner lar.... haiz.... so long since we got together and juz t0k k0k.... sorta rebonded us lar... not hair.... ok.. um .. ya.. sry.... hairhairhair, not funny rite.. k..
we had dinner at cartel la, then jia hui some mudder bomb.. make the manager go arrange some GUAI LAN table arrangement so we can all sit down.. den like.. watuf? we decided to sit somewhere else after they took like 10 mins to arrange.... so we like.. omg.. so malu... s2pid jia hui.. lolx.. inthe end we all write tank yew cards to the manager... thoes cards that provided lar.. haha....
and omg.. the ordering also some bombbbb..... i totally lan diao lol..... all xiao le lar.. lolx.... like bomb... our ogl like taking the knife and like knifing the bread and threatening to destroy xiao le... lolx... so picky and bomb.... we intended to buy like some crispy combo thing.. to share.. like some side dish... den buy a main course each..... gd thing we didnt buy lolx... cause the crispy combo.. is
MUDDER BIG lol.... haha s2pid losers.. eat until bao zha.. hahaha....welcome to loser land population one.. ya .. um.. ok...
me and edmund ordered st louis (my diciple) pork ribs.. den like some mudder big... we eat until tap out.. lolx... but still manage to finish.. woo.... basically juz t0k k0k lar... ya.... quite happy... cause so long never talk to pple like nicole, sanlee, xinhua, cat.. yar... really glad this happened... haha...
haha got 1 time my ogl was like saying.. wah got this guy he chinese damn suck haha... when some one ask him how to say fried egg in chinese he said “炸蛋” lolx.... den LOL.. SOME BOMB.. nicole for a moment was about to say.. "wads wrong wif that?" LOLLLLLL
halfway while toking kok, nicole was like "zOMG so CUTE~~!" to some baby behind us.... zz.. why do gals always do that? yes i know.. weird creatures arnt they? yup yup... dun remember me making them that way... muz be marcus go and tamper wif my blueprints lar...
we also played mudder games like Hai Dai Quan... lol.. haidai ah.. haidai... rofl.. hilarious.... kept losing at hai dai quan lar.. but kept wining cai quan... i own.. haha....
haiz... so sad... edmund leaving... would really hate to see you leave bro... haiz... you sum eff la... lolx... promise me u wont forget us ok?... would really miss ya.... frens 4ever....
Gan Nina
Yes... I finally got my ass off the bed to start writing my first entry.
Actually, I had time to blog on
Tuesday, but Chin nam called me and we tok koked for 2 +++ hours, mostly about Mahou Sensei Negima Book 13. As usual when we were arguing about the storyline, Chin was able to cite evidence word for word from the previous 12 books -_-. Ai yah, anyway I toked until ear pain.
Then I thought of this lame joke when I put down the phone -
Why is phone sex so dangerous? Cause you may get a hearing AIDSEr hahalala, ignore me ^_^
Then on
Wednesday I also had a lot of Time, but I was reading it on the bed and didn't blog, haiz.
Then there was a maths test the next day, yupx, plus I came back late from rockclimbing in school. The course was quite short and simple, you can read willy's post for more details... there was just this incident, the J2s were teaching us about people in the belay team (belayer, supporter, rope manager and anchorman)
Then Siying asked: "Does the anchorman need to be, urm, a man?"
Bomb.No lah, the anchorman should be an anchor instead. lolx lah
Thursday, today4 lessons, 2 lectures 2 tutorials. Its one of those short but long days, and today's was especially long, because of one particular tutorial (I'll elaborate later)
We had the land yacht prize presentation during Physics lecture today. Then the lecturer damn lame, said, "Your acevements will be highlighted" -- I was thinking like huh why use highlighted, then he said "so DSTA would give each of you a free highlighter!" Dot dot, but not bad the highlighter very nice.
Congrats to Yu Sheng 's group for winning $100 for best report, they can go lao yu sheng after school end.
Then, next it was the bomb class la.
Anyway, our econs teacher always told us to summarise our points and present what's important on the board, then she bomb and went to do this.

She finished going thru 3a, then the bell rang. Then she said,
"Is your next class here? If it is, I don't mind teaching you for a longer time."
No!!!!!!!! We mind!
"Ok, let me finish question 3b then." And she proceeded to fill the other half of the board. Haix.
Nothing much later on. Maths Test, blearghx don't wanna blog bout it. So feeling sian, and hearing NK's joke about train being a horizontal lift, I went home and started feeling this week's newspaper. Then I saw this.

BLOODY GUAILAN, that stupid little gan nina ran away for nine days and made such a guai lan face when he saw his mother. If you didn't read about him, here's what happened. This nina disappeared for nine days with nothing but his bicycle, then his parents did a Huang Na and put up posters. In actual fact, he was gallivanting all over the place, going to his older friend's house, whom he got to know on the internet and then slept in playgrounds. Then he got beaten up by a 19 year old guy that he knew also.
Displaying his bruises, he said "I was a bit scared and it was painful." o_O?
and said "I just want my freedom" -_-
What lan jiao freedom? As my mother would often say to me, in chinese "You think your wings grow hard already is it? Can fly far far already right? Then get out of the house, see how you survive!" And she really did chase me out, but I'll go to my neighbour's house and cry and act pitiful and then my neighbour will go to my mother and qiu2 qing2, lolx.
But back to the gan nina, I think I saw him before, at an arcade. There was this time when I went to Novena that wtv shopping mall to play arcade, then there will always be this small boy hanging around. He will sit to the side of the person playing and stand there and ding4teh3.
There was once I was playing House of the Dead there and he was standing besides me. Imagine that small gan nina in the picture standing beside the tall me. He was being some bastard, pointing out and shouting "Shoot this monster! Shoot there!"
Come on. I am teh pro in HoTD, then he was just randomly pointing. So me, being the nice guy, ignored him and continued shooting.
Then, he suddenly went berserk. Cause hes man short so he tried to reach for my gun, then he struggled like man then I kept saying oei fang4kai1, I don't know what happened, but he pushed up and the bruddy gun hit my mouth. Yupx, then I got damn pissed and shoved him away and held up the gun and said, "ni3 xiang1 xing4 wo3 hui4 da2 ni3 ma1?" then he zao. I can act pai kia if I want okk. /gg
Okk blog too long liao, shall dao ci ge bi. Cross fingers too and pray that Chen Xi and Rei Min and Pachara can stay in RJ, and all those who have the postings tomorrow, good luck.
wallet 爆炸
harlo... its me back again.. sorry dear veiwers i nehwer blog recently... haiz.... cannot blog lar.. not du n 1 to.... cause mudder keep the monitor dun lemme use.. yar....
i took v long to find it.. and i finally found it! woo.. its here now and its 3 pm now.. haha... i very scared mum suddenly come back den i 爆炸...
yar neway... nth much lar.. these few days.. juz norm sch days lor.. as screwed up as usual hahaa..... oh yar... PW... yar.. lol... for PW rite.. my grp had 2 transparencies.. lol... den on the 2nd one is my part....... on Project Feasiblility... haha.... btw.... my project is doing about educating pple about cord blood ya..
ok firstly.. i tot hmm we holding campaign, design posters, set up talks, give pamphlets, so shld be relatively feasible lar.... all we need is some time to gather resources and knowledge on cord blood.. so i wrote tt down on the transparency....
DEN KARTIK some BOMB.. he suppose to do the how we carry out the thingy.. on the first slide..... den he some mudder bomb say wad... implement cordblood into all lower sec syllabus.. and ask all hospitals to talk to all the pregnant pple shid bout cord blood... den the teacher.. was like...... "wtf? im ser u change the syllabus.. u think so mudder far wad LJ.. so not feasible..." smth liddat lar... hmm mebe less vulgar? lolx...
den i ..... dabomb..... im ser...... den lol we skipped the project feasibility part haha... like i never do anything liddat so waste full...
yar... this week hor.... haizz.... wallet will 爆炸 lar.... got TWO dinners out.... 1 class dinner which is tonight... eating at pizza hut... yar.. den tomolo og dinner... eating at dunno where lar.. some ex place.. prolly cartel.... haiz.....
its to um... celebrate? (lol wrong word) pple who are gunna leave rj lar... so sad rite... haiz..... edmund.. i feel so sad... why u zhao? i juz lost 1 more gay partner..... haiz.. you some eff...
den og also celebrate/mourn pple leaving... and bomb.. got 2 pple leaving and 1 of them not even coming for the thing cause she zhao to china to stone until postings... wah im ser some bomb.....
tmd lar.. edmund...2 dinners for u leh.. u better be happy...
oh and MSN (mahou sensei negima) book 13 totally rox... for those who dun read it... PLS PLS PLS go buy or borrow and read PLS.. IT ROX... go look out for 魔法老师 in comics shop and buy them.. book 1 to 13... totally rox.... really... a bit ecchi lar.. but yar... ok not abit.. quite ecchi... but shldnt that be a plus? haha.. btw ecchi is sort of like perv.. haha...
sorry hor.. this post not very the t0k k0k... i not much material lar.. i blogging for the sake of blogging cause pple asking me to blog lar.. so long no blog yar.... ya here it is marcus...
sorry no k0k material.. mebe after tomolo nite? after the 2 dinners.. mebe god (opps typo spell my name, shld be "got") some material will appear...
oh yar.. and happi bdae bernie!!.. hope u stayyy~.. peace out yall