today went down for NISCC (national intersch sports climbing competition) at expo.
had to climb this 15m high wall that has a handhold deficient syndrome. then met all the pros there, climb the wall like climb stairs like that, and make the wall seem so easy.
met the srjc ppl who went for teengames there. rocmoc, they were all quite pro, dunno whether the guys got into finals, but many srjc girls got into finals, like maybe 4 out of 8? quite pro. their guys also finished the walls quite easily (wah why we so noob??? ok at least i very noob)
then my turn came, wah the wall man hard, use damn a lot of arm strength. but managed to reach the top, although my timing is probably like somewhere near the highest. then the next climb, arm tired already, just died, just 2 handholds away from the last piece, but i just ggxx and died.
anyway sadly no one from RJ/ODAC qualified for the finals, not even the girls =(. oh well.
seems like training for pullups isn't enough for rockclimbing. they probably use different muscles -_-. must go climb more! maybe next year can complete both walls
oh and in case you haven't notice, the bouldering walls in RJ has been REMOVED!!! ahhh! even though i heard they will be building an actual wall in RJ, analyse this statement carefully. they WILL be BUILDING an actual wall in RJ. yea, will and building, probably means we'll never see it in our RJ lifetime =( we might catch a glimpse of its construction if we're lucky or if ri headmaster comes over though
just a random thought, someone should make an anime out of rockclimbing lol.
xtreme race
after a looooooooooooooooooooong time of not blogging, i'm back! missed me? ok guess not. anyway wanted to blog about this yesterday, but came home too shag already, did some homework and plonked into bed.
went for raffles xtreme yesterday, otherwise known as R-X (alkyl halide?). for those who do not know, its simply 4km of running at macritchie, 500m of kayaking at macritchie too, followed by 200m of swimming by 1 person and 6m of abseiling by the other. and finally 1 round aroudn the RJ track.
i was in the mixed category with michelle (michelle ooi from odac). joined for the fun of it, since wasn't really expecting to win.
to get us warmed up for the race, we had a chartered bus ride down to macritchie. the guys teams set off first, followed by mixed and finally girls. quite a lot of ppl we know were there. there was me, michelle, meiting, haojin, nelson, bryan, tea, shaun(odac j2), sauling, angie, eleanor, gerard, gavan, gerald tay. forgive me if i forgot anyone.
soon it was our turn to set off. had a good start, we were standing right on the starting line. then when the signal was given, everyone started running. it was quite nice to run in macritchie, even though its in the middle of the afternoon, can hardly feel the sun, very nice and shady there (lots of places for rapists to hide too, so don't go there alone!)
for the whole run, we were 3rd, cept for a few mins when we were 2nd and a few seconds when meiting overtook us. michelle damn pro, we didn't stop nor slow down at all through the entire run. its supposedly 4km but jingcong says its only 3.2km. dunno la, someone tell me if can confirm.
then after the run, went to the kayaking lodge to kayak. stupid station ics damn cunning, put the kayak's stern(back of kayak) facing the water. then when we moved the kayak into the water and got in, then realised that we were sitting in the wrong direction -_- but overtook the 2nd group there, cause their kayak floated away before they could get on lol.
kayak like man, 500m and my shoulders aching now.
then after kayaking, ran all the way back to rj. wah the traffic police damn nice, even though the man was red, he still ask us to cross. now in 2nd place and in rj, michelle ran to ri pool to swim while i went to the rj bridge to abseil. felt damn bad for making michelle run the extra dist to ri pool and to swim, but too bad i suck at swimming and she's a school swimmer >_< met all the odacians there and rained all over them as they helped me put on my harness. abseiling too easy la, just zoomed down. but quite fun, and thanks to the ppl manning the station for not letting any accidents happen to me.
michelle damn fast also, within mins of finishing abseiling and drinking from the water cooler, she arrived in rj already, then piaed all the way to the track and we finished.... 2nd! w000000000!
quite surprising to get 2nd, but it was a nice surprise. didn't finish that far behind the first also. even though compared to the girls and guys category, the mixed teams were all quite noob. but nevertheless we were the pros of the noobs!
very touched to get like my first sports trophy in 5 years.... *sniff* much thanks to the very pro michelle and those who encouraged us along the way =) couldn't have done it without you'all
hmm today or rather, yesterday, since its past 12 alr.. 3:15 to be exact.... a few of us 6A peeps went to play bball... it was really damn fun lar.. teams were Iwan, Jere and me, versus Yuru da man, Elaine da ankle, Agnes da nails (
T_T my hands bleeding...) , and Wen Liang da imba...
game was quite relaxed pace as girls were playing, so not much of defending... yep.. the girls played real well... very accurate. and i think my team was on fire hahaha... shot after shot... all sailed cleaned tru the net... chok! was feeling damn shuang sinking thoes shots lol... and i think our shooting percentage was like above 50% lol...
hmm... lets not tok about wen liang XD
haha.. we shld do this more often... really fun... lol but nxt time muz bring PE... played in sch U and it was totally soaked... was dripping while i walked back to canteen.... haha..... had to buy PE to change into after that -________-
wah shit.. feeling super dizzy.... s2pid medcine.. mega drowsy... its not "may cause drowsiness" its.. "causes drowsiness" lol
okok back on track.....
these few days in lectures, have been sitting with ong neh... and we t0ked k0k of course... and as we tokked, we bu zhi bu jue recalled the good old days in 01 raffles scouts.... it was quite an emotional period i guess.... because now we are J1s, and we can no longer experience the joy and fun of scouting together as a batch anymore...
i tell you, IMO (
in my opinion if u dunno) A uniform group forms one of the closest bonds and forges one of the strongest memories that will embedd in your minds and last a life time... though this is a brudderhood right here, there is still another brotherhood out there, which is my 01 family...
all the times we spent together, all the camps we had together, they are juz unforgettable... there were 3 major camps in a year... SUTC (scout unit training camp/super ultra tough camp) , annual camp, and GTC (group training camp or u can call it GGtc). of which 2 of them were tough training camps, typically GTC....
and i remember, no matter how xiong GTC was, i would always force myself and make it a point to go for the camp and not pon... for it is a time for memories to be made, and relationships to be forged and strengthened... if im not wrong, that is also one of the major spurring points of why others go for these tough camps too...
all the PT, all the 30/40 klicks a day long hikes... though we dun speak much during thoes times cause we are too shagged, we still know of each others pressence, find comfort in it and persevere on.... when you fall, you can always count on your batch mates to pick you up and spur you on... they are always there for u (comon lets sing! i'll be there for you, this my words i swear to you)
many things are just unforgettable.... the hardships we endure, the cheering during Tekan sessions.., the Bandit PT, the long hikes under the sweltering sun... the 2/3 AM firedrills... the fun we have, the screw ups during cooking, the ownage mud pools in the junior block field, doing the camptimes, skill o rama, job week, carrom in the den everyday till 6... the campfires... staying up for sentry and t0king k0k under the stars... everything...
however it is sad to see that JC life has been straining our relationships.... less time spent with each other, needless to say, the removal of scouting in our lives (mostly now is planning and executing, not participating...) i really hope 1 of these days, we can juz get together, sit down, and juz talk.... like we always did....
once a scout, always a scout
once an 01 scout, always 01 scoutS
im at a crossroad, to forfeit which cca?
the temptations of dropping one cca...
Happy Bdae Jere
although so long no posts, but today special day, so muz post! heh!
today jeres bdae, so yarr happy bdae! i hope all of u actually remembered besides me and yz... good thing i reminded u all in the morning luh, but i bet like 90% of u never wish him.. tsk... at least dali and yan an got, under my influence of course...
sorry hor jere, i planned to sms u last nite at 12 am de, but then lol slipped my mind as i was watching the superband results show.. [GO J3!!!! GO YAN AN LOOKALIKE thing..] yar...
oh yar.. today got back GP.. I PASSED!!! GOT A D.. er got a D not got A ya... so happyy.. whooped marcus luh.. loser haha.. now we're even :P... so now my grades are like DUUU... damn du... lolx XD
okok nth to say now.. mebe nxt time =) ..
tong hin jia you! 5 4 13 12 1 17 4 | 5 4 13 13 1 3 , 1 1 13 1 17 9
Stupid Cts
Bah so sian... My Ct results like omg 0.o..
USSDB whoa!
Even my grades are laughing at me sia
SUB-Ds... (except GP which i suprisingly got a B due to rounding off 64.5, thanks GP teachers for paying attention to maths in ur respective secondary schools)
Hmm my post so short.. so sian.. dun feel like blogging liao... must go and zhuang qiang..
H3 maths
bleh i'm sick and tired of getting ppl to blog here already, gonna give up soon. just blogging here to boast how great h3 maths is.
h3 maths is really great, rather than wasting time at home on homework or gaming or sleeping, i now have 5 hours of free time once a week in school when i can productively do nothing.
2 weeks of h3 and i've already officially attended 7.5 hours of h3 maths lessons and unofficially attended 0.5hours more cause of how it always ends late.
despite it being the most time consuming h3 listed on the timetable with a whooping 3 hours a week, it nevertheless continues to steal more time from us.
but wait, 3 hours a week... 3x2, shouldn't it be only 6 hours then? oh nooooo, the school just had to swap wed with tues timetable, and i had 3 consecutive days of exciting h3 maths lessons.
well, i guess its ok, i only need to stay back until 6:30 on 2 days when i used to bum around from 4 and 12pm onwards, only a total of 9 more hours in school, only a measly 5% of a week. and only for just about the rest of my jc life.
then yesterday couldn't go for odac training thanks to it. and more thanks to it when i couldn't join odac for route-setting for rockclimbing at rgs
moving on to the subject itself, its easier than expected, for the china scholars and other super smart ppl in the class. for me, i spent about 3 hours attempting qn 2 and 3 of the tutorial. didn't manage to get the answer in the end. bleh.
h3 maths isn't really appropriate for it. considering its difficulty and bad timings, they might as well call it h8 maths.
but nevertheless, crazy me shall perservere in it while praying i get nus econs >_<
the science club of rj has combined efforts yet again to organise our own cip! (com sci is in just cause of its name) its so personal that we even have to pay for it ourselves -_- stupid stingy sch refuse to sponsor it.
the cip involves conducting photoshop lessons and simple science experiments for kids from underpriviledged families ranging from age 11 to 16.
morning was damn sad. first i was missing odac pt to go for the cip =( next it was really just a lot of sitting around and watching them play captains ball and murderising each other. some of the kids there are really quite monstrous, totally uncontrollable, possibly the only thing worse than flash.
then there's this p5 boy in my group, not only is he damn naughty, he is also in love. or rather having a crush on this other girl in my group o_O. then during the photoshop session he was trying to draw hearts and flowers to hint her O_o. man he was so traumatised when the girl told him "don't friend you".
but i don't pity. stupid guy went around slapping me for no reason during lunch. then he even went to punch my balls, good thing he missed or one of the toilet bowls would probably be choked with his now.
only after lunch did the activities start. when i saw the activities i was like O_O. photoshop is still ok (well done com sci!), electronics was great, did some funky lesson on vortexes and made some fun toy. then bio was ok la... simply cause there were funky budding potatoes to squeeze. chem was .... it was a session of QA, telling them all about acidity, alkalinity and indicators. wah boring like bomb. i think all the kids were interested in was the indicators changing colour.
i think many ppl nearly exploded dealing with the kids. esp chen who tried to control the situation right in the morning. it is really hard cause the kids refused to cooperate, can tell he was really damn stressed. then i kinda took over and i also damn stressed, aiya just damn stressed la.
when i told these to jon he was like saying (probably sarcastically) "kids are bundles of joy" and this is my reply: the only reason why they are bundles of joy is cause they are like sponges, whereever they go, they suck those around them dry of happiness.
something damn unexpected happened, a kid lost his wallet, apparently he didn't take it out of his bag but it disappeared mysteriously after lunch. didn't manage to find it even though we searched everywhere. then something even more unexpected happened. one of the little girls found it in the toilet bowl of the girls' toilet. poor nat had to fish it out of the toilet bowl (eeeewwwww). poor boy lost $5.30. won't speculate who did it, but its probably a guy, who dumped evidence into girls' toilet so no one will suspect its him!
but ok la, i guess on the whole the kids are still ok, considering they are still kids. some of them quite nice at certain times also. tmr another day with time, good luck to me
then met ackerley and sherm after the cip at j8 macs for a heated discussion over hpc quest. to simplify the post, i shall just give an analogy: lets say you have finished a project at 11:59pm and it needs to be handed in the next day. then you realise you can add more stuff to it, but you have no idea whether it will be beneficial to your project. it requires a lot of effort but theres an equal chance it'll pull down your grades, and even if you get more marks, its only a little bit more (possibly insignificant). on top of that you are not even sure if you can finish the project by the time you have to set off for school. would you continue doing it? (maybe this is my biased opinion and cannot see their point of view, so take the example with a pinch of salt)
after a long time when the sun has risen, you havent slept, havent done anything for the project, havent ate breakfast, the time to left for school has arrived and you finally decide you will not continue doing it.
ya, thats pretty much what the meeting involved except we don't need to leave for school yet and it the project isn't done.
then something weird happened when i was reaching home. i was standing at the junction waiting for the green man when i realise that the 3 ppl beside me were looking at me. then i took a quick glance at one of them and wondered why they were looking at me. then i took a closer look and realised one of them were one of my group members! lol! and i always thought this kind of coincidences only happen in tv serials. man it really is a small world out there.
time to go back to chionging eureka. if only i can use a bottle to store up time, then i'll have more time now =( stress stress!
ODE to joy...?
h3 maths started this week, only 2 lessons of it and the Ordinary Differential Equations seem so hard already. thankfully our lecturer is mrs cheang: "are you troubled?". her jokes are so lame you can't help but laugh.
"theres a step missing here, wah i really like to skip a lot, must be very eager to grow taller"
"this working very well done, like beef like that"
"do you'all know whats polynomial? don't tell me its a parrot on diet" (polly no meal)
have to start doing tutorials already. stressed
this week is really damn depressing, lots of stuff to do. first theres eureka, a competition we are organising, flash giving me a lot of problems now. spending lots of time on it. everything will be due on coming wed, lots of stuff to do here. met the teachers today, seems like lots of changes are coming, lots of changes to make too. stressed
next theres hpc quest, a competition we are participating in. havent even started on hpc quest, the product is due end of the month and we havent even started, teammates giving me a lot of stress also. even more stuff to do here.
just when i thought can pia over the weekend for both, i've a cip coming which spans from 8:30 to 4 on both days. both days gone, sigh, more i type the more stressed i feel.
feeling like shit, cancelled the first com sci training due to eureka rehearsal. next week no wed also, wonder if we can even have training. i see a repeat of last year's failure. i really want to be a good ccal.
odac ophir expedition coming soon in start of aug also, quartermaster comm, wonder if theres much i have to do.
pw not done also, did nothing during the hols, now need to rush it, but with so many other things on, no time to rush it also. really deserve a tight slap.
but i did Super well so chem. it's So good that i can hardly believe i got it. guess i deserve it, was quite slack during the hols, didn't mug enough, didn't practise enough, thought that i'm safe since i did quite well for the organic chem quiz. play so much during the hols, end up no time to mug properly. if they look at grades on the whole, definitely there goes my h3 nus econs. promos coming soon also. sigh
why do i always bind myself to so much stuff? and why do i always leave stuff to the last second to rush them? why do i choose to play over completing my work? wtf am i blogging and not rushing eureka or hpcq? always say want to change my bad habits but never ever make any effort to. though i can only blame it on myself for bringing it upon me. sometimes i really hate myself. sigh
*this section was added later*
just read on someone's blog, brooding over things that have happened doesn't change anything. as sad as i am, i shall pick myself up and do what i have to do.
theres no use crying over spilled milk, but you can always mop it up and get a new cup of milk.
School starts
school starts again tmr.... sian don't feel like going to school, probably getting back ct results. damn scared i do very badly =( lets just all hope for the best.
new semester, got new timetable also, i hate the freaking timetable, here it is:

not much diff from my old timetable cept a few swap in lessons and the addition of h3. first you look at the right edge of the timetable. what the *toot*, its extending out of the freaking table.
then you look on thursday. i have so much free time i want to cry. i can go home, bathe, sleep, play a few games of dota, surf the net, finish my homework, go watch movie, go for afternoon tea then come back and still be in time for lessons.
doesn't take a genius to guess which h3 moe module i'm taking.
wah really hope i get h3 nus econs or i'm pretty much screwed for the rest of the 1.5 years of my jc life. can hardly imagine myself with 5 straight hrs of free time a day every week for the rest of j1 and all of j2.
but from what i heard you need straight As for your cts to get into nus econs. you'd have to be freaking gay to get straight As for a cts thats this standard. (what an irony) first i would like to apologize to all the nus econs applicants. cause of what i will be saying next: I HOPE NONE OF YOU GET STRAIGHT As!!!! can't believe i said that, but i guess i'm desperate >_<.
heard napfa starts tmr too! man i failed napfa the last time, mustn't screw up this time. aiming for a gold, like what eugene used to say "aim for the stars, so that when you fall, you will fall on the clouds". though clouds probably won't provide any cushion for you and you'd be like to fall right through, you might be lucky enough to have your fall broken by superman. or perhaps your back broken.
this weekend was really great, thanks to the brudders. though i didn't get to play mahjong cause i fell asleep (damn). too bad so many ppl didn't go, then so sian, don't have the atmosphere to be crazy. so ended up going to sleep bah. next time you'all must go ah.
went over to crash james house. also another mahjong bunch, played a few rounds of mahjong there. then wee pin went over to DO WORK with marie. omg. DO WORK. can you believe they actually go to stayovers to do work? well i can't.
going home is probably the most screwed up part. under chin's instructions, i took 100 to go to serangoon mrt. but i didn't know where to alight. so seeing an mrt station in the distance, i quickly alighted and walked towards it. then after quite a dist of walking, i realised something. the mrt has no sign on it indicating which station it is. apparently its the stupid woodleigh station that isn't open yet -_-.
so had to walk all the way back to the bus stop and wait damn long for 100 again. then took the bus and finally reached serangoon mrt without anymore trouble (thankfully). then the train come within 5 mins after i entered the station. as the train reach the next stop i was half falling asleep already. in my half conscious state, i heard the sound "potong pasir" then i quickly got up and realised i took the wrong train -_-. so chionged out and just nice miss the train on the other side. what the *toot*. so ended up taking like nearly 2 hrs getting home bleh. damn noob
today went with odac to settlers cafe @ holland v. for those who don't know, its basically a place where you can go and play board games. the games there are really great, if you know which to choose. council should go there and buy some of the games there.
its quite cheap, $6.60 for 4 hours. and the service is very good. someone broke a glass and they didn't even complain, even courteously cleaned it up. the staff there very helpful also, very friendly and teach you how to play the games. and the best part: free free flow of drinks! worse part: i didn't know the best part until we were leaving so wasted :'(
maybe can go there another time lol.
stayover! + "og" outing
lol... why blog suddenly like so dead... cannot allow.. no... muz revive.. haha....
hmm so on er.... when was it ar? hmm.. oh yarly.. i think was friday... yep.. so the friday after our cts, (since none of the brudders take bio) a few of the brudders, namely me, jere, ET, weep and willy, we lalala-ed to ps to play arcade
sigh.. i think arcade is such a waste of time and money, but oh well.. they hunger to save the world in house of the dead 4, so i pei them lo... lol...
we ate den went to the arcade... but hohoho. surprise surprise.... we walked past the HotD4 machine.. and saw this dude playing it.... hmm... frm the back... the hair.. eh.. look like tong hin's hair leh... so heavily waxed.. can find in madame tussaud's wax museum....
hmm is that tong hin? den we looked up and down his whole person... eh OMG thoes pair of 泛滥 shoes!!! den i walked up closely, went to the side and look at his face.... !!! TONG HIN!!!! tong ya tong ya tong tong tong, tong ya tong ya tong!~ haha.. so coincidental.. singapore so small...
well, we stone arnd.... they all spent money on the games.. while i spent none... heh.. cause i dun like to play arcade... hahaha i save so much money was so happy.... den there was this sweet machine, which is like u pay money, den it will scoop sweets and drop on some drawer thingy which moves in and out and pushes the sweets off into the chute den u get the sweets and smth.... u noe.. like most arcades out of singapore have... where u get coins instead of sweets....
well.... first try, i scooped a lot of shitz man, den nearly got so many stuff, but nearly only!!! den chiong to change more coins and spam, damn captivating lar... and den spent like 8 bucks for like 10 sweets -.- bleh.. haha..... so much for saving money... eck haha..

willy saying hello on the way back frm pool
well... after that we pooled and den decided to go over to my house later at nite to watch world cup! germany vs argentina and italy vs ukraine.... cause weepin bet mah.. haha den watch together also got more ambience and atmosphere ma... yep
at first willy dun wan come de... cause he say he dun watch soccer and that its "how sian la" but then told him that we will mahjong too, den he said ok and came! yay!.. but little did we noe he has a hidden agenda.. heh.. cunning willy.. wanted to go to james house to jio all the odac girls there... if yall dunno.... james lee, lives bout 100 metres frm me.. and he was juz nice having an odac stay over too....
we watched the germany and argentina match together.. was damn fun.. and damn happy germany won la haha.. den willy was like so captivated also lor... he watch the entire thing.... so nice.. haha.. told u WC is nice to watch... but it got like damn boring towards the end cause like... ugh.. too long...

inbetween the boring parts of the match we also like change channels to channel U to watch the ghost movie which was airing... haha.. den wy like damn scared... went to sit ont he floor and huddle in 1 corner... lol... oh and weeps lost this bet... he super s2pid go bid 4 total goals... owned..

eh? wheres wy?

ooh there he is! in the corner!
after the match, me jere yz wy played some mahjong to kill time to nxt match, while weeps went over to james house to
play with some odac girls.. willy joined in the fun too.... weeps came back 20 mins after italy's first goal... he bet ital win 2-0.. den was like so uber happy when italy scored their second goal near 60 mins.... but hahaha.. i told him not to be so happy.. cause they scored too early.. and true enuff.. 3RD GOAL SCORED WOOOOO.. lose again hahaha.. after that he went to slp lol.. never watch the match anymore.. willy by then was already sound asleep haha.... den when matched ended, draged them up to my room to slp...

t0k k0k sing song PLAY MAHJONG!
nxt morning went out for breakfast cept weeps the anti social freak who went home straight... yar... was quite fun la overall... but we need to start playing money for mahjong plssss if not juz not fun.... and sigh... not a lot of pple came.. if more came would definately have been more fun... yea...
yesterday had a super duper small mini "og" outing haha.. went out wif sanlee and ruo wei.... at first intended to watch "just my luck" but alas... they were both late, and no tix were left! sigh.. just my luck... den we juz lalala and went to eat long johns.. since RW said she was hungry... well oni she ate anyway, me and sanlee merely koped... haha... oh ya cool met terrence.. my pri sch fren.. who was like seated behind me.. lol..
took taxi to paradiz to pool yep... and i payed the entire fare ): ... oh wells, who cares... rich sanlee din have change ma... den RW oni keep silent, hope i wont ask money frm her haha.. of which, i of course didnt, cause i Mr nice guy.
went to pool and ahhh wow singapore is once again.. so small.. well it always was... met haoyi! our ogl... funky... he manly flirt la... was out wif THREE girls.. i was oni wif 2 lor.. and some more.. amongst the 3 girls, i couldnt find his gf.... haiz.. he behind gf back liddat.. tsk..
and omg la... i shldnt play wif NOOBSSSS cause they only JINX me! rawr... all my shots like landiao all never go in de.. juz bounce arnd the hole and then que ball go in boo.. and omg la i lost to sanlee and rw once! argh.. die.. tot can win 5 nil den lost.. sigh
oh yar.. haoyi challenged me... he was like.. "chin nam, if u can enter 4 balls before i finish the game, i treat u to a drink.." den i ok lor.. 4 oni ma... den i tot he muz be act pro.. haha.. oh and he tried to raise to 5 balls but i dun allow... haha..
then omg.. haoyi was damn pro la.... but luckily he was PRO and not NOOOOB, so i never kena jinxed.. haha and yay.. i entered all 7 and so did he.. but argh missed the black ball and he won.. but still have to treat me a drink hahaha.. yay free drink... the game finished real fast la.. 1 game wif sanlee takes like 15 mins.. den my game wif haoyi oni 5 mins lor... dunno.. was playing damn well against him... was like enter 3, miss, miss, enter 2, miss, enter 2, miss, then game end.. lol... funky
sigh.. 本来 today got kbox de... but dunno wth.. my voice still lan diao.. den cannot go.. so sigh.. nxt time ba.. sometime this week ba can can? ^^ heh.. yay kbox! miss kbox.. alrighty.. byee
Music Fever
Since i've decided not to let chinnam dominate the the music scene on this blog..i shall link some music here~do press the play button as u try to read the following as fast as possible(put a bit of pressure on ur brain n read it :D my fren emailed me ) is definitely worth it...
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht U was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod arem the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mess and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deso not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
amazin eh..our brain..