Question(s) of the Day
How long does it take to warm-up a squash ball?
i decided to ask two squash team members...and this is the reply i got..
says A, while B remained quiet ..both of em laughin and smiling away....
*A shows a five* (hours struck me first but my logic tells me otherwise)....about 5 minutes?
(i was thinkin to but but for professionals like us
(referring to A n B) is about 5.. minus 1....ya...1 minute.."
so ...i wondered...why did it take B so long to, and yet never really, warm the ball up after class?
29/1/2007 Monday Sunny
Lol ok the title sounds like im writing a diary~ trying to revive the blog so gonna tok abt my day lar~
6:15: Wake up
6:20: Brush tooth
6:30: Leave home
Lol of course not like that lar.. Dun worry my day was quite interesting lar
Anyway as usual academics are boring so we shall fast forward!...
Ok so reached the end of sch.. Anyway that day i had a dinner date (No not with who u think it is, with my family) at around 6:30pm so i decided to get myself excused from vball training that day lar (no coach anyway~ lol jk)
So anyway i ended sch at 12:30 that day, so went to play abit of bball (of course my team owned the other team~ haha jkjk) and then went to do abit of hw at the area above the porch on level 3. We chose there to do hw cause the staff room is just nearby and the aura can affect us =)
But we stopped at abt 2 cause gerard meeting up with ODAC (gals) so i was left alone wandering the sch aimlessly lar.. Then chin dao my call so i called yiyan and together we walked aimlessly and toked abit~ so suddenly chin nam called back and said his class gonna play captain's ball with their junior class! So ok lar we decided to go watch lor so sat at the amphi and played the paino
Yiyan was like playing all the children's nursery songs for me lar -_-" then he taught mi the chords for pachelbel's cannon~
D A B F# G D G A
And i took nearly 15 mins to play the 8 notes -_-"
So aniwae chin's class came down and they started playing captain's ball lor and their team was losing cause of lack of guys so they signed contract with mi and yiyan to play
Anyway thanks to yiyan's imba jumping he saved like 70% of the balls lar, i saved very little i tink.. =( anyway i cant remember how many did i score and assist le.. So in the end i tink we were tied bah?
Then 4:00 finally came and we decided to go for training lar.. I also went to bid farewell to the vballers lol.. Then when i was walking past the amphi on my way home.. Chin told mi that tong hin gonna treat them to earthquake at swensons!! Walao i want! Tong hin u better treat us someday cause we helped ur team =)
So anyway i went to dinner lar.. Guess where did i have dinner? Marriot hotel! Wah damn high class lar, probably the most high class place ive ever ate at in my life.. Anyway it was a $40 buffet and my uncle treated us lar, cause he just came back from Malaysia and also to throw a farewell dinner for my cousin who's zhaoing to australia to study in uni..
Apart from the very nice dinner, i also get to have a small talk with my cousin lar.. He's 23 this year and he's seriously damn eloquent but damn full of crap too.. He can communicate with me and my bro, my uncle , my mum and my grandma.. Was super impressed with his scope of knwoledge lar.. So he told mi one thing which i found is very true..
He said that PHds are onli but a piece of paper.. They show that u have the knowledge but wad's more important is how u communicate with others.. By reading up newspaper daily, he can have common topics with everyone lar.. And he's not a mugger type of guy.. For the record he went partyworld after out dinner.. So yar later on he told us wad he meant by communication lar..
For one of his course in uni, he and a partner were given 2 months for preparation of a presentation.. but they slacked the whole 2 months and they decided to do it on the day itself.. they decided to do it 2 hrs b4 the presentation -_-" so they spent 1/2 copy pasting from everywhere and formatting.. Remaining time toking crap.. then wish each other good luck and just whack the presentation... And they got a Higher Distinction.. WTH?
And no my cousin not the kind of super genius with IQ 220 (Same as Joanne Wolfgang, some english novelist) he scored nearly 9 F9s for his O level prelims.. And he some pro kia.. He ponned Bio O level completely cause he was slping till the time for History O level.. -_-"
Anyway the teacher called him for the bio paper and sounded super nervous
"Hey where are u now? come sch immediately, we wait for u"
"Err ok, i come to sch now"
Then he go back slp -_-"
So the next day he overslept for maths O levels and he chiong to sch then was about to start then he realise something..
He forgot to bring his calculator.. So he wanted to go ask the invigilator for a calculator~ then he looked up and looked around for the invigilator.. then he was like ohh shit.. the invigilator is the teacher who called him for bio paper the day before.. Good job.. And the teacher was giving him a u-can-go-and-die-muahahahaha look.. So he improvised.. He did all the calculations for papaer b using pen and paper.. wth and he got a B3 for maths.. my new idol lor
Anyway, he was working as a supervisor in some company earning 3K a month.. O levels L1R5 get 20 points also can get such a salary? Damn zai lar.. So he explained how come lar.. The boss is his fren -_-" and how he get the position? To quote him, he bullshitted his way there.. Partly cause of his communications skills.. He found out that his boss fren likes local politics and American politics so he toked abt them lor.. Then his boss fren realise he like indispensable to the comapny so hired him.. -_-"
And he gave mi an idea how slack the jobs at management level are.. He owned 2 handphones for the job.. When the boss calls, he will tok crap with him then until the boss about to give him work then he tell boss wait a while.. Then he dialed some employee's number on the other phone.. Then he connect the 2 phones together (receiver to speaker, speaker to receiver).. Then he go back to slp -_-"
So anyway we dined till abt 9pm and then we just zhao lar
Damn cool day, got to do a little of my hw, played a little of games, noe a little more about my cousin but ate alot.. Btw the food was super nice.. Go and try sometime bah
a loooooong walk
after a horrible consolidation-you-know-what......
it is finally time to go home!!
it is such a long walk from sch to the mrt station..but but but luckily i hv wanqing walking with me...
and no, she isnt the one doin the talking..cause she cant! i was! (for once..heh...)
since we take different trains..she looked so happy when i nd to zhao if she was finally freed from the cruelties of my nonsensical(not exactly) bs (not exactly oso), and felt relieved.......
but den..
"Eh thanks for your monologue just now haha."
it feels sooo good to b appreciated ^^ after all my effort spent into coming up with so many things to talk abt...and by myself...lookin like some lunatic/despo, botherin a girl who cant b bothered with me and just shakes/nods her head..... ^^
guessed it cant b help...mayb my design too intellectual liao..too artistic liao...after all i was considered a partial art student in my upper sec days (ignore lower sec..everyone had to take lit..)
...o was a relatively fair vote (cept for the fact that not everyone was there..but it isnt gonna make a diff.cause my design too unpopular liao..) so the best design wins..
gotta take this opportunity to apologise to mr.chong. (i left out his name in one of my designs.) was purely an innocent mistake. i did not by any chance did it on purpose..cause that design was done in a i forgot....sorry!
well...the truth is..the onli design which i really spent time and effort in doin is the one i really drew with vecctor shapes...the rest was just a quick assembly of small pictures...
hmm....some day when im free......hmmm....
shall continue with fluffy! i nd to restart though, the previous attempt was poorly done, and hence it was horrible...
i figured someone had to post something apart from just videos...else the blog will just die..
however~ i do not have much to post abt.,lets see..
so..wad hv i been doin lately?
im still keeping up with my new lifestyle..goin home to actually study..n i still do read lecture notes before lecture..cept for physics n math...primarily cause i lazy abt math..n physics..the last time i tried..i dun understand anything at all...just too many blanks to be filled...well..gonna try again sometime...
hmmm..o some of u might alrdy noe, im actually using a laptop in my room!
an old laptop, coupled with wy's old modem, my telephone's phone cable n my modem's cable..and viola~
the gd thing abt this is.instead of stoning in front of the comp as usual....u can start/continue to do homework/study! although it is a teeny bit distractin...
so that is like my new lifestyle...
ah...currently tryin to fold a fluffly..interestin piece of origami.....however it is a superrrrrrr slooooooow progress...i nd more practice in folding things straight n sharp...
ok..back to er...chem remedial ws ... zzz...zzz.zzz...zzz
Was at home, feeling bored, and was listening to Yui's Skyline, frm the movie, Midnight Sun. I felt that the song was very nice, so i decided to fill in the lyrics in chinese. Not like i understand jap and translate the song or smth, so the lyrics are entirely me, it means smth to me, and mebe to you too haha... first time trying out, so if u dun like, dun flame me lol, juz for the fun of it and for myself partly. well, here goes
press play to play, pause the current 好朋友 song further down by the archives
Skyline, 华文版:
说一声 HI
MY 唯一
hope u like it, peace
Contacts (Not msn -_-")
Lol wow i finally wore contacts for the 1st time in my life.. Quite nice to see without having to worry abt specs dropping off or stuffs like that lor~
So yar after 1/2 and hr (for each eye) and alot of pain, i got my contacts in =)
But the process was not easy due to alot of reasons lar..
1. "Your eyes too small le lar"
Yar that was wad i heard for 124567523 times in the handicapped toilet when benjaja from my class was teaching me how to put on the contacts (yar i noe im damn noob, dun
Basically the contacts were like bigger than my eyes, as in the diameter was longer than the distance between my top and bottom eyelids lor.. So ouch..
2. Bowl shape? Plate shape??
Sorry benjaja i still dunno the diff.. but i pretended to noe heh =P
Anyway bowl shape is suppossed to be the correct side, then plate shape is suppossed to be flipped over d lor..
3. "Your eyelashes too long le lar"
Yar i heard that after every comment on the smallness of my eyes.. So i heard it for like 999235412 times? Ohh no are the figures different? Haiz wad can u expect from someone who nearly failed maths promos =(
Ok so after i got both in (or so i thought), i realised that my right eye can see damn clearly then my left eye abit blurry, maybe because im not used to it? Haha! Im like damn smart to realise this.. So after a while i still din "get used" to my contacts in my left eye and i decided to ask benjaja to teach mi how to take it out.. And here comes the next 1/2 hr of pain =) also due to alot of reasons
1. "You are plucking ur eyelashes"
Noooo... My looong eyelashes =(
2. ... (I cant beleive how jacked this is)
Ok so i learnt the technique from benjaja le, so i put it into practice! So i used my thumb and index finger to reach near my iris and try to pluck the contacts out lar.. Apparently it dun wanna come out cause it like my eyeball too much le.. Yar so it was painful and i decided to give up.. (i'll explain y i jacked myself later)
So i went back to the canteen, feeling so screwed.. cause one side blurry then the other side very clear.. my left eye was damn red accoring to many classmates (maybe im still not used to the contacts?) So i have a bright idea.. lets see how the canteen will look like with my contacts and my specs! =)
So i put my specs on and wow! Its damn blurry! But wait, my left side damn clear leh?? Ok i finally realise something.. and i wanna strangle someone.. there was no contacts in my left eye in the first place =) so i've been pinching my left iris for 15++ mins =) im so happy now =)
Next time i shall check with my specs b4 taking out contacts =)
(Ohh thanks bel for giving me 2 pair of contacts, but i manage to lose 1 pair haha)
无聊篇 2
在着无聊的时刻,不想去读书却又没有其他事时,我脑海里闪过了一个念头 。。。该是吃午餐的时间了。。。
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
"wad are u doin now?"
perhaps the most asked question of all times..if i summed up all the questions i've ever asked online..this wld probably be no.1. however it felt so distant today, when i asked it a few times....probably due to the new lifestyle i picked up this yr..a more mugger-like lifestyle..
contrary to popular belief..i really did prepare for lectures (read beforehand and attempt the questions)...and i've been keepin up with my far....i can feel the laziness startin to set in...nd to maintain this discipline..n i wld soon see my As...
so..i found myself asking that question again....n i find myself asking myself..wad am i doin online...bleh...
below is just some random thoughts...some ideas i've been thinkin of...perhaps filming..though nothing wld probably come out judgin from how difficult it is to get ppl to help me..n i dun hv all the equipment to solo it..mayb shld save money to get it...den many little resources...
shen zhen!
heya peeps, lol, blogging spree now! wheee!... er.. ok mebe coz like no 1 blog.... come on pple, wheres the lurve?
ok lol, anyways, was at shen zhen during the hols. i must say, im quite impressed! its a really modern city, unlike the ones i visited long long ago, like my ancestral home in da bu, and oso yun nan and stuff. shen zhen is one of the more developed city of china, not far frm shanghai... its sorta like a singapore ba, concrete jungle..
so i arrived there at arnd 12+ midnite, 1h bus ride to hotel, check in and stuff, den whent down gather wif rest of the grp, and headed out for supper... it was 230 am then... the city was BUSTLING... wtm lol... u noe, if u think singapore is a relatively nocturnal country, ur so wrong... totally cannot be compared to hong kong and shen zhen... they 24 hrs streets filled wif pple... and did u noe that like 70% of the restaurants there are 24 hrs?
so we went to this porridge restaurant... ordered 3 pots of porridge for 19 pple... each pot is mega big, so enuff... and gawd.. the porridge is the most heavenly porridge i ever tasted... like zomg... had to wait 1h plus of it, cause the cook on the spot, rice and what not.... not like they have 1 gigantic cauldron of prepared plain porridge like what they do in singapore... lemme tell u why the porridge is nice.... firstly, its fresh as can be, secondly, lemme tell u the ingredients.... rice(duh), 1 kg of prawns(which is a damn lot, like what, 50 prawns?), 2 kg of frog(about 4-5 frogs), 2 whole crabs. and 1 pot like that, serves 6 for like 5 ricebowl servings per person. the porridge is super thick, not watery at all, slighty reddish yellow, sorta orangey cause of the prawn 糕 (you noe, the creamy stuff in the heads) and the crab roe. den every scoop, u can see lotsa crab roe, get bout 4 prawns, some frog legs and stuff.... wah.. heavenly... really... everyone juz frenzy the pots lol.... by the time we finished, it was bout 430 + lol.... and again, the street is bustling! manly....
oh and it was winter then, but the winter damn noob, like 16deg... which is damn shitty... dun wear sweater, a bit cold, and mum will scold, den wear sweater... really sweater... z. oh and because its winter, all the gals wear the 冬装.. wah my gawd, damn nice! the pple there have real great fashion sense i tell u, all follow jappy styles... wooo.. nice haha, the guys are juz normal luh lol...
so was walking back to hotel... den this manly came up to me and said, “要不要小姐,要不要小妹?" lol, den i was like, hmm, well never try before what, whats to lose, so i asked him whats the huo se, den he signal to a few gals, i think like 4 ah.. arnd there... den wah.. eh, quite surprised, all super young and quite pretty de, so i look arnd, den pick 1 la, den ok, i is bluff u , sry, i scared.
lol... but really got the pimp ask me, i juz brush him away, den still got a few gals walk and say "先生,要不要做" lol... and that ends my first nite there... subsequently the next few days, went to shop luh, nothing much to do in such a short period of time... din visit 世界之窗, a very famous and popular amusement park... sigh... hmm, i wun say the branded stuff there are cheap... they are not much diff frm sg prices... dumb MNCs... trying to monopolise the market... go away lah.... lol, but the normal goods there are super cheap... hmm lets see, a macs meal there costs sg bout 2.50-3 bucks... a really really nice chinese meal that includes like noodles and 3 dishes veg meat and egg, costs 2 bucks plus in the food courts.... like man... lol
hmm din really buy much stuff, shoes, jeans, and a beanie lol... glad that we had a relative working there, so he cld guide us arnd... lol... oh yar.. on 1 nite, went to this spa resort thing... and OMGGGG its HUGE... its as big as a mustafa.... the whole spa complex... there are pools, jaccuzi, restaurants, pool tables, massage areas, cinema, rooms for resting, cyber cafes... bar.. EVERYTHING... its 6 storeys... and what was so facinating was that... its entrace is as big as a class room in length... and all the lvls are under grnd.. so basically u juz see a classroom size gate.. and thats all.. u go in, walk down stairs, and u juz stare at the place and die.... man...
lol.. the massuers are all damn chio haha.. but quite noob.. anyhow press.. press until blue black... watch out... zzz.. haha.. do head massage, do until headache lol... hmm basically the trip was qutie relaxing lah haha... brief, but fun =D

lol look at their ktv... its humongous!!!!... still got more... but cannot take the whole building.. muz go further away, but thats the limit le... lol... its super super huge... u can click on the pic to enlarge it, den can see the size clearer
lol mebe post some other pics nxt time... cause trying to post now, but blogger lag shit.. zz.. ok bai fen bai 1am start le, go watch haha ,
Geek Or No Geek?
so it is the end of the first week..and hows life so far?
cool..the pressure is startin to come back again..and losing confidence again...
so..lets is friday..
econs lecture..still as fast...)$(@%(*& .... i tried to read beforehand, felt gd abt it, a gd start...BUT never read enuf..#)@$(@*#%...jump like mad..end up still a bit messed up..
econs tutorial..i did my work.we did discussions.n the clsroom is freaking cold. thats all.
break..amazingly..all saving stomach space for cls lunch later at quite a lot of muggin took place in clsroom..i continued to read the )#(*@#&%( econs notes...
gp..TAKE NOTE: this part is gonna link with the later part of the post...mrs davis came back for some 交待...den on to lesson...something relaxing to start the first gp tutorial..a short quiz of general knowledge/current issues for random ppl and a look-for-the-word-in-lots-of-alphabet-thingy exercise which tested political terminology definition...
《百万宝》 last episode!!! not that i follow the whole series faithfully..
so back to gp..with the quiz n LFTWILOAT exercise..i realised im not really tt geeky after all -. - i hvnt been readin up..n it is time to read my newspaper n be concerned about the world insteade of hearin the news..but it just goes the other way out...
and finally! cls lunch!
the Secret of Mr. Chong's "ability" to guess our names by seeing our face!
*spoiler alert*
for those who wish to believe that Mr Chong has that special something and magical ability..DO NOT read on...Skip the followin paragraph and proceed on..
apparently it was all his own was us(i.e cls) and our (i.e cls again) blog and blog links that let him figure out everyone! pictures n names...a little guess work n elimination..coupled with that 3 chances..he has approx 99.9999999999999.....% chance of not treatin everyone to a drink....guess we hv onli ourselves to blame for not gettin the drink..
now..with the chit-chat-cum-lunch and curriculum ended...time for some bball..crowded courts..lack of ppl..some stoning..more stoning..more bball n finally home.. tired and lazy..and after watchin the 7 o'clock primetime hk drama serial...i found myself channel surfin and finally ended up watchin Beauty and the Geek. (wad i believed to be thrashy..)
well...i figured it wld b killing two birds with a stone..i get to gain some general knowledge + pop culture knowledge tidbits cause of the quizzes in the elimnation...and on the other hand..i get to see..fine..ogle at pretty girls...
to my dismay..i realised im probably a Geek ....out of the 6 questions for the girls..i knew like almost everyone...partly due to the fact that i probably hv no interest in the White House's address and whos on their 10 dollar bill...and simply easy questions they give...they show a picture of the pentagon..tell em it is a buildng of the US Military Defence...and ask them to name it...for gdness sake..anyone who knows their shapes cld hv easily guessed it is called The Pentagon!!!!!!! however, wad made me realise my geeky-ness was that final question...wad is the capital of iraq -.- im sure the girl dunno how to answer. im sure the american girl dunno how to answer. it wld hv probably appeared in their newspapers for dunno a gazillion times or sth!!!!
and i actually know it! o god im geeky...
to further support my "identity" ...i noe nthing abt those questions on the music scene! holy really a SEMI-GEEK!
at this very moment, i made a very impt decision that would change my life forever (hopefully).
i shall start readin newspapers and what-nots to make myself into a full-fledge i can have a chance to join the season XX of Beauty and the Geek..and live in a mansion with other geeks and LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL girls....well..for the period of the gameshow at least..better than nothing....
Back, 1st day of sch
yo, back frm shen zhen china... came back at 530am this morning.. went home, bathed, brush teeth, change up, lie in bed... tossed arnd for 20 mins... slept 5 mins... alarm clock rang... go school.... hurray!!
what a day... but today i survived! oni fell asleep in class for a brief 5 secs! haha i guess cause new day.. never see many pple for a long time... so ver adrenalised haha.. moreover got marcus to totally rubbish wif.. haha.. thx bro =D...
sux that have to chiong all the hw today ahha.. told all teachers, juz came back... left all the hw in bag haha... never bring.. so congrats.. all by tmr morning.. -_- lol.. gee gee axe axe )= ahhh.. oh wells... happens all the time... haha
well, at least am glad today was a wed.. so sorta ended early.. oh cool tmr i oso end early lol.. whereas everyone gets 3 hrs of chem, i get to skip them! haha H1 FTW! =DD lol... well, why bother wif H2 when its so hard.. i mean, uni oni take into accnt 3 H2s and 1H1, so, whats the point sticking on to H2 and dying...
hmm, got new physics/civics teacher... lol took long time to get ahBoy to understand.. physics and civics sound so alike haha... hmm mr francis chong, aka SONIC!.. hope he is a nice teacher... but i think he very cunning person lol...
tmr get to see new gp teacher.. lets see... haha
for now, peace out
School Re-opens! 哦 机 又 IN 了!!
a new year, the beginning.
a new experience for the J1s, a renewed one for the J2s.
alas, the J2s start work straight away.....
to be honest, i was kinda excited abt the new sch term..but once i reached sch n lesson starts..the excitement died down..
when i walked pass the new batch...i amazing it was that it had been a year since i first joined the college...i still rmb the meetings with the OG...and double amazing is..all the remnants of j2-OGs disappeared from their usual spot, y hadnt it happen earlier? came a new batch of students in their very own OG...
it all begins with that magic meeting..when everyone appeared for the very first OG meeting..u see new faces,
pretty girls, more pretty girls and even more pretty girls..old friends..chances to make new bonds being formed..and old ones being refreshed...
and den it begins..for the lucky/unlucky ones..their OG will start to miss a few ppl every now and den..especially when there is some big event where everyone is in one place...
soon..after the orientation..more people will disappear...and wad is left is the remnants of the OG and the memories forged during orientation...
the renegades will struggle to keep it for meetings..organize outings..but they fail. even if they did manage to organize anything...the turnout wld b bad...
and so the cycle continues...a new batch comes in..with the old ones (probably OGLs) telling them to try keep the OG alive cause theirs had died and it is very sad..(though they cld hv been part of the reason why it died...)
ps. im guilty, but not remorseful.